The Cardinal Electors are those Cardinals who are under the age of 80 on the day on which the Pope dies. All such Cardinals, even if their selection as Cardinal has only been announced, are obliged to participate in the Conclave as Electors. The exceptions are those who are legitimately prevented by illness or other circumstances, those who have been canonically deposed by the Pope, or from whom the Pope has accepted the renunciation of the cardinalate.

In the Conclave of April 2005, 115 Cardinals voted. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was elected Supreme Pontiff on the 4th ballot.

In the Conclave of March 2013, 115 Cardinals voted. Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Supreme Pontiff on the 5th ballot.

Click a name to view a brief biography.

Cardinal Name
Ecclesial Office

Aguiar Retes, Carlos

Titular Church: Santi Fabiano e Venanzio a Villa Fiorelli

Native Country: Mexico

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Tlalnepantla, Mexico

Card. Aguiar Retes was born, 9 January 1950, in Tepic, Mexico. He studied at the seminary of Tepic, then at the seminary of Montezuma, USA, and of Tula, Mexico. He obtained a license in Sacred Scripture and a doctorate in Biblical Theology in Rome. He was ordained a priest on 22 April 1973. He served as parochial vicar, rector of the seminary of Tepic and was simultaneously president of the Organization of Mexican Seminaries and a member of the Executive Council of Latin American Seminaries. He served as rector of the Juan XXIII Residence for priests at the Pontifical University of Mexico, and as professor of Sacred Scripture there. On 29 June 1997, he was ordained a bishop, after being appointed Bishop of Texcoco. From 2006 to 2012 he served as president of the Bishops' Conference of Mexico. On 5 February 2009, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Tlalnepantla. He has held various positions in CELAM, including president from 2011-2015. Appointed Archbishop of Mexico, Federal District, 7 December 2017. Having reached 80 years of age, he is no longer an elector.

Alencherry, George

Titular Church: San Bernardo alle Terme

Native Country: India

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-02-18

Ecclesiastical Office: Major Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly (Syro-Malabarese)

H.B. Cardinal George Alencherry was born On 19 April 1945 at Thuruthy, Changancherry, India, and baptized with the name Geevarghese. He holds a BA in economics and an MA in theology and philosophy. He was encouraged to pursue his studies but also served as vicar of the filial church at Pariyarmugham. He was ordained a priest on 19 November 1972. He was then assistant vicar at the Cathedral Church of Changanacherry and director of the Arch-diocesan Faith Formation Department and served for three years as secretary of the Commission for Catechism of the Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council (KCBC). He earned a doctorate in biblical theology and a specialization in catechetics in Paris. On his return to India he was appointed director of the inter-ritual Oriental Pastoral Centre, and deputy secretary of the KCBC, serving at the same time as professor at St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Vadavathoor, where he continued to teach until 1997. From 1994 to 1996 he was protosyncellus of the Metropolitan of Changanacherry. Pope John Paul II established the new Diocese of Thuckalay in 1996 and appointed him the first Bishop. He received episcopal ordination on 2 February 1997. Bishop George Alencherry served the Syro-Malabar Church as secretary of the Synod of Bishops, and as chairman of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Commission for Catechism, and of the Commission for the Laity of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India. On 26 May 2011 Pope Benedict XVI granted him the requested ecclesial communion after his canonical election as Major Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamalhy for Syro Malabars by the Syro-Malabar Synod. Having reached 80 years of age, he is no longer an elector.

Alves Aguiar, Américo Manuel

Titular Church: Sant’Antonio da Padova in Via Merulana

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2023-09-30

Native Country: Portugal

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Setúbal, Portugal

Bishop Américo Manuel Alves Aguiar was born on 12 December 1973 in Leça do Balio, Matosinhos, has been serving as Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon since 2019. In 1995, he entered the Major Seminary of Porto. He completed his academic studies at the Catholic Universitỳ first in Theology and then a Master in Communication Sciences. In 2001, he was ordained priest and became, in 2016, the Director of the National Secretariat of Social Communication. He was ordained titular Bishop of Dagno on 31 March 2019, in the Church of Trindade, in Porto. He is President of the WYD Lisbon 2023 Foundation and Director of the Communication Department of the Patriarchate of Lisbon.

Ambongo Besungu, OFM Cap., Fridolin

Titular Church: San Gabriele Arcangelo all’Acqua Traversa

Native Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2019-10-05

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Kinshasa

Card. Besungu, 59, was born in Boto, Democratic Republic of the Congo. He professed his perpetual vows for the Order of Friars Minor Conventual in 1987, and was ordained priest on 14 August 1988. He obtained a degree in moral theology at the Alphonsian Academy in Rome. He served as parish priest of Bobito and lecturer of moral theology at the Catholic University in Kinshasa, at the Major Interdiocesan Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul in Lisala and at the Mazenod Institute. Msgr Besungu served as Major Superior of his Capuchin community and vice provincial of his order, and as national president of the Assembly of Major Superiors and of the Capuchin Franciscans in Africa. Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Bokungu-Ikela on 22 November 2004, and he was ordained bishop on 6 March 2005. Pope Francis appointed him Apostolic Administrator of Mbanda-ka-Bikoro on 5 March 2016, and then Archbishop on 12 November of that same year. He was elected vice-president of CENCO in June 2017, and played a role in seeking a peaceful solution to the political crisis in his country. He co-chaired the dialogue that led to new elections in 2018. On 6 February 2018 Pope Francis appointed him Coadjutor of Kinshasa, and on 1 November of the same year Msgr Besungu succeeded as its Archbishop. On 15 October 2020 Pope Francis appointed him a member of the Council of Cardinals to assist the Holy Father in the governance of the Universal Church.

Aos Braco, Celestino

Titular Church: Santi Nereo ed Achilleo

Native Country: Spain

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2020-11-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago de Chile

Cardinal Celestino Aos Braco was born 6 April 1945 in Artaiz, Spain. After studying philosophy in Zaragoza and theology in Pamplona he obtained a license in psychology from the University of Barcelona. He professed his temporary religious vows as a Capuchin Friar on 15 August 1964 and his perpetual vows on 16 September 1967. He was ordained a priest on 30 March 1968. He served as a teacher and professor in Lecaroz, Navarra and Pamplona, and as vicar in Tudela and Zaragoza. In 1983 he went to Chile, where he served a parish vicar of the Parish of Longavi, Superior of his Community in Santa Maria de Los Angeles, parish priest of Saint Michael Parish in Vina del mar, Superior of the community in Recreo, and episcopal vicar for female institutes of consecrated life in the Diocese of Valparaiso. In 2008 he was appointed parish vicar of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in Los Angeles in the Diocese of Santa Maria de Los Angeles. He has also served as provincial treasurer of the Capuchins in Chile, Promotor of Justice of the ecclesiastic Tribunal of Valparaiso, Judge and psychologist of the interdiocesan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Concepcion, and Treasurer of the Chilean Association of Canon Law. He was appointed Bishop of Copiapo on 25 July 2014 and received his episcopal ordination the following 18 October. On 23 March 2019 he was appointed Apostolic Administrator sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of the Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile. On 27 December 2019 Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of Santiago de Chile.

Arborelius, OCD, Anders

Titular Church: Santa Maria degli Angeli

Native Country: Sweden

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2017-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Stockholm

Cardinal Arborelius was born 24 September 1949 in Sorengo, Switzerland. At the age of 20, he converted to Catholicism and entered the Order of Discalced Carmlite Fathers in Nørre Aaby, Denmark, 1971. He made his perpetual profession in Bruges, Belgium, in 1977. He studied philosphy and theology in Belgium and at the Teresianum in Rome, and studied modern languages at the University of Lund.He was ordained a priest on 8 September 1979. He became the first Catholic Bishop of Sweden of Swedish origin since the Lutheran Reformation, receiving episcopal ordination on 29 December 1998, at the Catholic Cathedral of Stockholm. He served as president of the Episcopal conference of Scandinavia (2005-2015); vice president of this conference (2015); and member of the Commission of the Pontifical Council for the Family (2002-2009). He was appointed Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Laity on 21 January 2014.

Aveline, Jean-Marc Noel

Titular Church:

Native Country: France

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Metropolitan Archbishop of Marseille, France

Archbishop Jean-Marc Aveline was born on 26 December 1958 in Sidi Bel Abbès, diocese of Oran, Algeria. After his secondary studies at the Lycée Thiers in Marseille, in 1977 he entered the Interdiocesan Seminary of Avignon where he attended the first cycle of theology, and then the Séminaire des Carmes in Paris, pursuing his theological studies at the Institut Catholique, where he was awarded a doctorate in theology in 2000. He also holds a licentiate in philosophy from the Université Paris I et Paris IV Sorbonne.

He was ordained a priest on 3 November 1984 for the archdiocese of Marseille.

Since ordination, he has held the following ministerial posts: professor of theology and director of studies at the Inter-Diocesan Seminary in Marseille and member of the pastoral team of the Saint-Marcel parish in Marseille (1986-1991); episcopal vicar for ongoing formation and member of the pastoral team of the Saint-Pierre - Saint-Paul parish in Marseille (1987-2007); head of the Service diocésain des vocations and diocesan delegate for seminarians (1991-1996); founder and director of the Institut de sciences et de théologie des religions in Marseille (ISTR) (1992-2002);. director of the Institut Saint-Jean, which in 1998 became the Institut Catholique de la Méditerranée, associated with the Faculty of Theology of Lyon (1995-2013); and lecturer at the Faculty of Theology of the Université Catholique de Lyon (1997-2007). Since 2007 he has also been vicar general of Marseille.

In addition, from 2008 to 2012 he was a consultor at the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.

On 19 December 2013, he was elected to the titular see of Simidicca and appointed auxiliary bishop of Marseille. He received episcopal ordination on 26 January 2014.

On 8 August 2019, the Holy Father Francis appointed him metropolitan archbishop of Marseille, France.

Ayuso Guixot, MCCJ, Miguel Ángel

Titular Church: San Girolamo della Carità a Via Giulia

Native Country: Spain

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 10-5-2019

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue

Card. Ayuso Guixot, 67, was born in Seville, Spain. He professed his final vows as a Comboni Missionary of the Heart of Jesus on 2 May 1980 and was ordained a priest on 20 September of the same year. After obtaining a licence at the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic studies (PlSAl) in Rome, he was sent to Egypt in 1982 to serve as parish priest in Cairo, where he assisted young Catholic students, migrants and political refugees from Sudan, living in the city. Thanks to this experience in Cairo, he was sent to Sudan during the country’s civil war. While in Sudan he ran a catechetical centre in the Diocese of El-Obeid and taught Islamic studies in Khartoum. Msgr Ayuso Guixot obtained a doctorate in dogmatic theology in 2000 from the University of Granada and taught in Cairo and then later in Rome. In 2006 he became President of PISAI. In 2007 lie was named a consultor of the Ponti-fical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, and on 30 June 2012 was appointed its Secretary by Benedict XVI. Msgr Ayuso Guixot was ordained a bishop by Pope Francis on 19 March 2016 and assigned the titular Episcopal See of Luperciana. On 25 May 2019 he was appointed President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Due to his close involvement in the workings of the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, Msgr Ayuso Guixot was appointed one of the Holy See’s representatives to the higher committee established to meet the document’s objectives. He was also elected President of the Committee by its members.

L'Osservatore Romano, 11 October 2019

Barbarin, Philippe

Titular Church: Most Holy Spirit al Monte Pincio

Native Country: France

Appointed By: John Paul II

Appointed On: 2003-10-21

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Lyon, France

Cardinal Philippe Barbarin was born in France on October 17, 1950. He was ordained priest of Créteil 17 December 1977, and ordained Bishop of Moulins, 22 November 1998. On July 26, 2002, he became the metropolitan archbishop of Lyon. He was created a Cardinal on October 21, 2003, and was assigned the titular church of The Most Holy Spirit al Monte Pincio. He served as Archbishop of Lyon, France, until his retirement, 8 May 2020.

Betori, Giuseppe

Titular Church: San Marcello

Native Country: Italy

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-02-18

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Florence

Cardinal Giuseppe Betori was born on 25 February 1947 in Foligno, Italy. He was ordained a priest on 26 September 1970. He holds a licence in sacred theology and specialized in fundamental theology and in Biblical sciences. He also holds doctorates in medical bioethics research, in philosophy and in Biblical sciences. He worked in various capacities in the Diocese of Foligno including as diocesan assistant in Catholic Action and secretary general of the diocesan Synod. From 1991-96 he served as director of the National Catechetical Office, with special attention to sound catechetical texts for youth and adults, he also helped in the Italian translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. From 2005-08 he served as member of the monitoring committee of the Lombard Pontifical Seminary in Rome. He was ordained bishop on 6 May 2001, subsequent to his appointment as titular Bishop of Falerone. John Paul II also appointed him general secretary of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI). Since 2002 he has been a member of the administrative board of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart as the representative of the CEI. On 26 October 2008 he was installed as Archbishop of Florence, subsequent to his appointment. On 10 February 2009 he was elected President of the Episcopal Conference of Tuscany. On to December 2011 he was appointed member of the Pontifical Council for Culture.

Bo, Charles Maung, SDB

Titular Church: Sant’Ireneo a Centocelle

Native Country: Myanmar

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar

Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar Charles Maung Bo was born in Monhla Village in Myanmar on 29 October 1948. After studying at Nazareth Salesian Aspirantate in Pyin Oo Lwin from 1962-1976, he made his final profession as a Salesian on 10 March 1976. He was ordained as a priest on 9 April 1976. After his ordination he served as parish priest and formator. He served as apostolic administrator in Lashio from 1985-1986 and then as apostolic prefect from 1986-1990. He was ordained a bishop on on 16 December 1990, following his appointment by John Paul II as first bishop of the newly-created Diocese of Lashio. In 1996 he was transferred to the Diocese of Pathein. From May 1996 to November 1998 he served as apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Lashio, and of the Archdiocese of Mandalay from 3 April 2002 to June 2003. On 24 May 2003, he was appointed Archbishop of Yangon. He is the current secretary treasurer of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar, head of the Major Seminary, head of national interreligious dialogue, head of the Office of Human Development at the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference (FABC), a member of the Commission for Religious in FABC, and a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture. On 18 November 2020, he was appointed Apostolic Administrator of Myitkyina, Myanmar.

Bozanic, Josip

Titular Church: St. Jerome of the Croatians

Native Country: Croatia

Appointed By: John Paul II

Appointed On: 2003-10-21

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Zagreb, Croatia

Cardinal Josip Bozanic was born on March 20, 1949, in Vrbnik, on the island of Krk. In 1975, he was ordained to the priesthood. He received a licentiate of canon law in Rome, and then lectured for 10 years at Rijeka Divinity College. In 1989, he was made bishop of Krk. In 1997, with about 30,000 believers, Bozanic moved from Krk to Zagreb, to the surprise of many. On October 21, 2003, he was created a cardinal priest, and assigned the titular church of St. Jerome of the Croatians. He served as Archbishop of Zagreb, Croatia.

Bráz de Aviz, João

Titular Church: Sant’Elena fuori Porta Prenestina

Native Country: Brazil

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-02-18

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

Cardinal João Braz de Aviz was born on 24 April 1947 in Mafra, Brazil. He was ordained a priest on 26 November 1972 for the Diocese of Apucurana. He holds a licence in theology and a doctorate in canon law. He received episcopal ordination on 31 May 1994, subsequent to his appointment as titular Bishop of Flenucleta and Auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Vitória. In 1998 he was appointed Bishop of Ponta Grossa, in 2002 Archbishop of Maringá and in 2004, Archbishop of Brasília. He was appointed Prefect of the, Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on 4 January 2011.

Brenes Solórzano, Leopoldo José

Titular Church: San Gioacchino ai Prati de Castello

Native Country: Nicaragua

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Managua, Nicaragua

Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano was born in Ticuantepe, Nicaragua on 7 March 1949. He is the eldest of four children. From a young age he wanted to become a priest and soon entered the national seminary of Nuestra Señora de Fátima in Managua. He subsequently attended the conciliar seminary in the Archdiocese of Mexico. He then moved to Rome where he earned a BA in theology and a licence in dogmatic theology. He was ordained a priest on 16 August 1974 and began serving in parish ministry. He was ordained a bishop on 19 March 1988, subsequent to his appointment as titular Bishop of Maturba and Auxiliary of Managua. Then in 1991 he was transferred to the Diocese of Matagalpa. There he served as secretary general of the bishops' conference, and organized the Eucharistic-Marian conference, and participated in the Special Assembly for America of the Synod of Bishops. Following the death of the Archbishop of Managua, John Paul II appointed him as the fourth archbishop of the capital city and the appointment was made public on April 2005, the day before Pope Wojtyla died. His responsibilities in the bishops' conference increased and he eventually become president of the conference. He also became a member of the commission for vocations and ministers at the Episcopal Council of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAM). In 2011 he left his post as president of the episcopal conference and began serving as president of the Episcopal Secretariat of Central America (SEDAC). He is the second Nicaraguan cardinal.

Brislin, Stephen

Titular Church: Santa Maria Domenica Mazzarello

Native Country: South Africa

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2023-09-30

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa

Archbishop Stephen Brislin, was Born in Welkom on 24 September 1956. He received his primary schooling at St Agnes’ Convent, Welkom and CBC, Welkom, followed by seminary studies -- Philosophy at St John Vianney, Pretoria and Theology at the Missionary Institute, London. He was ordained to the priesthood on 19 November 1983. Pope Benedict appointed him the Bishop of Kroonstad, South Africa, and he was ordained its bishop on 28 January 2007. He was installed as Archbishop of Cape Town on 7 February 2010, on the Solemnity of Our Lady of the Flight into Egypt, the patronal feast of the Archdiocese of Cape Town. From 2013 to 2019 he was the President of the Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference.


Bustillo, Francois-Xavier

Titular Church: Santa Maria Immacolata di Lourdes a Boccea

Native Country: France

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2023-09-30

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Ajaccio, France

Bishop François-Xavier Bustillo, Bishop of Ajaccio since 2021, a Conventual Franciscan, was born on 23 November 1968 in Pamplona, Spain. He entered the Minor Seminary of Baztán and began his postulancy in the Order of Conventual Franciscans in Padua, Italy, where he completed his philosophical and theological studies. He made his solemn profession on 20 September 1992, two years later he was a priest. In the same year he founded, with some brothers, the convent of St Bonaventure in Narbonne (France). From 2018 until his appointment as bishop, he has been custodian of the Saint-Maximilien Kolbe convent in Lourdes, episcopal delegate for the sanctuary of Lourdes and for the protection of minors, and since 2020 a member of the episcopal council of the Diocese of Tarbes et Lourdes. Bustillo is the author of the book published by the Vatican Publishing House 'Witnesses not officials', which the Pope gave to priests at the Chrism Mass in 2022 and also on other occasions, mainly to priests.

Cañizares Llovera, Antonio

Titular Church: St. Pancras

Native Country: Spain

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2006-03-24

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Valencia, Spain

Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera was born on 10 October 1945 in Utiel, Spain. He was ordained a priest on 21 June 1970 and holds a doctorate in theology. He began his pastoral ministry as parish coadjutor, chaplain and as parish priest. He was Secretary of the Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith and Founder and First President of the Spanish Association of Catechists. On 6 March 1992 he was appointed Bishop of Avila. Within the Bishops' Conference of Spain he was a Member of various bodies and was President of the Episcopal Commission of Seminaries and the Episcopal Commission of Education. Since 1995 he has been a Member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and contributed to the compilation of the Spanish-language edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He also founded the St. Teresa of Jesus Catholic University in Avila (1994-97). As Bishop he promoted the Diocesan Synod of 1995. On 10 December 1996 he was appointed Archbishop of Granada. On 24 October 2002 he was appointed Archbishop of Toledo. He was elevated to Cardinal, and appointed Cardinal-Priest of S. Pancrazio, 21 May 2006. On 9 December 2008 Cardinal Cañizares Llovera was appointed Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Then on 28 August 2014, he was appointed Archbishop of Valencia, Spain.

Cantoni, Oscar

Titular Church:

Native Country: Italy

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Como, Italy

Bishop Oscar Cantoni was born in Lenno, in the province and diocese of Como, on 1 September 1950. After attending Classical High School at the Collegio Gallio in Como of the Somaschi Fathers and graduating from high school, he entered the Como Seminary to undertake courses in theology. Besides collaborating with spirituality magazines, in which he published articles on vocational topics, he published several books for young people.

On 28 June 1975, he received priestly ordination in Como, his home diocese.

Since priestly ordination, he has held the following positions and ministries: from 1995 to 1986 he was in charge of the promotion of vocationsin the seminary; collaborator in the parish of Santa Maria Regina in Como; chaplain to the Sisters at the Collegio Santa Chiara in Muggiò; and from 1986 to 1999, director of the Diocesan Vocations Centre and religious education teacher in secondary schools in Como; from 1990 to 2005, spiritual director of theologians in the diocesan seminary; preacher of Spiritual Exercises for priests and founder of the Ordo Virginum in the diocese. On 11 July 2000 he was appointed Prelate of Honour of His Holiness. From 2003 to 2005 he was episcopal vicar for the clergy of Como.

On 25 January 2005 he was elected to the episcopal see of Crema and on 5 March of the same year he received episcopal consecration.

On 4 October 2016, the Holy Father Francis appointed him bishop of the diocese of Como, Italy.

Chow Sau-Yan, S.J., Stephen

Titular Church: San Giovanni Battista de La Salle

Native Country: Hong Kong

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2003-30-09

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Hong Kong [Xianggang], China

Bishop Stephen Chow Sau-Yan, S.J., of Hong Kong, was born on 7 August 1959 in Hong Kong. After the period of pre-university studies, he was awarded a bachelor’s degree and a masters’s degree in psychology from the University of Minnesota, in the United States of America. He then entered the Society of Jesus on 27 September 1984. From 1984 to 1986 he completed the noviciate and was subsequently awarded a licentiate in philosophy in Ireland, before continuing his studies in theology from 1988 to 1993 in Hong Kong, where on 16 July 1994 he was ordained a priest. He obtained a master’s degree in organisational development from the Loyola University of Chicago (1993-1995) and was awarded a doctorate in human development and psychology (Ed. D) from the University of Harvard in Boston (2000-2006). He professed his final religious vows on 17 April 2007. From that time on, he carried out various services in the educational field and as a formator within the Jesuit community. From 2012 to 2014 he served as a member of the Presbyteral Council of the diocese of Hong Kong, from 2013 to 2017 provincial consultor, and since 2017, member of the diocesan Education Council. From 1 January 2018-2021, he served as provincial of the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus, and since 2020, deputy secretary of the Association of Religious Superiors of Male Institutes of Hong Kong. On 17 May 2021, Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of the diocese of Hong Kong after the See had remained vacant since 3 January 2019 when Bishop Michael Yeung died after less than 2 years as its bishop. He was consecrated bishop on 4 December 2021.

Collins, Thomas Christopher

Titular Church: San Patrizio

Native Country: Canada

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-02-18

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto, Ontario

Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins was born on 16 January 1947 in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. He was ordained a priest on 5 May 1973. He holds a BA in English and specializations in English, in theology and in Sacred Scripture, as well as a doctorate in theology. He was ordained a bishop on 14 May 1997, subsequent to his appointment as Coadjutor Bishop of Saint Paul in Alberta. He served as rector of St Peter's Seminary, London, Canada, president of the National Theological Commission of the Bishops' Conference, president of the National Commission for Ecumenism, president of the Conference of Bishops of Alberta, president of St Joseph's College Board of Governors at the University of Alberta. He was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Edmonton on 18 February 1999 and succeeded as Archbishop of Edmonton on 7 June that same year. On 16 December 2006 he was appointed Archbishop of Toronto. He was one of the leading organizers of the 2002 World Youth Day in Toronto. In 2008 he became the president of the Bishops' Conference of Ontario. In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.

Costa, Paulo Cezar

Titular Church:

Native Country: Brazil

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil

Archbishop Paulo Cezar Costa was born on 20 July 1967 in Valença, in the diocese of the same name. He completed his studies in philosophy at Nossa Senhora do Amor Divino seminary in Petrópolis and in theology at the Higher Institute of Theology of the metropolitan archdiocese of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. He then obtained his licentiate and doctorate in dogmatic theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (1996-2001).

He received priestly ordination on 5 December 1992 and was incardinated in the diocese of Valença.

During his priestly ministry he held the following positions: parish vicar in Paraíba do Sul (1993); parish priest of São Sebastião dos Ferreiros parish in Vassouras (1994-1996), parish priest of Santa Rosa de Lima parish in Valença (2001-2006); director and professor of the Department of Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2007-2010); rector of the Paulo VI Interdiocesan Seminary and director of the Paulo VI Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Nova Iguaçu (2006-2010). On November 24, 2010, he was appointed titular bishop of Esco and auxiliary of the metropolitan archdiocese of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. He received episcopal ordination on 5 February 2011. On 22 June 2016, he was transferred as bishop of São Carlos. Within the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, he is a member of the Permanent Council and the Episcopal Commission for Culture and Education. Since 2020 he has been a member of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.

On 21 October 2020, the Holy Father Francis appointed him metropolitan archbishop of the archdiocese of Brasília, Brazil.

Coutts, Joseph

Titular Church: San Bonaventura da Bagnoregio

Native Country: Pakistan

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2018-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Karachi, Pakistan

Cardinal Coutts was born 21 July 1945 in Amritsar, India, at that time under British jurisdiction. He was ordained priest on 9 January 1971 after formation at the Major Seminary of Karachi. He continued studies in Rome between 1973 and 1975. Back in Karachi, he served as professor of philosophy and sociology at the Major Seminary, as rector of the Minor Seminary in Lahore, and as vicar general of Karachi from 1986 to 1988. He was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Hyderabad, Pakistan, on 5 May 1988 and ordained a bishop on 16 September 1988. He succeeded as Bishop of Hyderabad on 1 September 1990. He was transferred to Faisalabad on 27 June 1998 and appointed Archbishop of Karachi on 25 January 2012. As President of Pakistan's Catholic Bishops' Conference from 2011 to the end of 2017, he was active in coordinating Caritas Pakistan's emergency relief services in the wake of natural disasters and contributed to the building of new churches and development projects for the poor. He retired as Archbishop of Karachi 11 February 2021.

Cupich, Blase Joseph

Titular Church: San Bartolomeo all'Isola

Native Country: USA

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Chicago

Card. Cupich was born, 19 March 1949, in Omaha, Nebraska. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in philosophy in 1971 at the College of Saint Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota. From 1971 to 1975, he was a student at the North American College in Rome and studied theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Later he obtained a license and a doctorate in Sacramental Theology at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Ordained a priest on 16 August 1975, besides serving in various pastorates, he was director of the Archdiocesan Liturgical Office (1978-1981), secretary at the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C. (1981-1987); and president/rector of the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio (1989-1997). He was appointed Bishop of Rapid City, South Dakota, on 7 July 1998, and ordained a bishop 21 September. On 30 June 2010, Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Spokane, and on 20 September 2014 Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of Chicago. He is a member of numerous committees of the USCCB.

Czerny, S.J., Michael F.

Titular Church: San Michele Arcangelo

Native Country: Czech Republic

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2019-10-05

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Card. Czerny, 73, was born in Brno, Czech Republic, and was raised in Montreal, Canada. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1963, and was ordained a priest for the Jesuit Province of Canada 9/6/1973. He earned a doctorate in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Chicago in 1978. In Toronto the following year he founded the Jesuit Centre (now Forum) for Social Faith and Justice, which he led until 1989 when he was transferred to San Salvador following the assassination of six of his confreres at the Central American University. There he served as vice rector and director of the university, as well as director of its Institute for Human Rights. He acted as mediator in the negotiations that led to the end of El Salvador’s civil war in 1992, and in 1995 he participated in a United Nations investigative commission on the coup d’etat in Haiti. From 1992 to 2002 he served as Secretary for Social Justice at the Jesuits’ general curia in Rome. He was transferred to Africa where he became the founding director of the African Jesuit AIDS Network. During his tenure there he also taught at the Hekima College of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Nairobi. In 2010 he was called to Rome by Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, to serve as an advisor. In 2016 the Council was incorporated into what is now the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. Czerny was appointed Undersecretary of the Dicastery’s Section for Migrants and Refugees in 2017. On 1 January 2022, he was appointed Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.

da Rocha, Sérgio

Titular Church: Santa Croce in Via Flaminia

Native Country: Brazil

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

Card. da Rocha was born in Dobrada, São Paulo, Brazil, on 21 October 1959. He studied philosophy, holds a license in moral theology and a doctorate in theology. He was ordained priest on 14 December 1984 and served as parish priest at Água Vermelha and coordinator of the Pastoral Ministry for Youth of São Carlos (1985-1986); professor of philosophy at the diocesan seminary and spiritual director of the House of Theology in Campinas (1986-1987 and 1991); rector of São Carlos Philosophy Seminary (1987-1988 and 1990); parochial vicar of the Cathedral of São Carlos (1988-1989); parochial vicar of Nossa Senhora de Fátima Parish in São Carlos (1990); professor of Moral Theology at the PUC of Campinas and rector of the diocesan theology seminary (1997-2001). 

He was ordained bishop by John Paul II on 11 August 2001, after being appointed titular Bishop of Alba and Auxiliary of Fortaleza. On 31 January 2007, Benedict XVI appointed him Coadjutor Archbishop of Teresina. He succeeded as Archbishop on 3 September 2008. He was appointed Archbishop of Brasília on 15 June 2011, and between 2015 and 2019 he served as president of the National Bishops' Conference of Brazil. 

Pope Francis created him a cardinal on 19 November 2016, with the title of Cardinal-Priest of Santa Croce in Via Flaminia. He appointed him Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, on 11 March 2020, and on 7 March, 2023, created him a member of the Council of Cardinals.

Da Silva, Virgilio do Carmo, S.D.B.

Titular Church:

Native Country: Timor-Leste

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Díli, Timor-Leste

Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, S.D.B., was born on 27 November 1967 in Venilale, in the diocese of Baucau. After primary and secondary school with the Salesians in Fatumaca, he entered the Salesian Society of Don Bosco. He was then sent to study philosophy and theology in Manila. He made his first profession with the Salesians on 31 May 1990 and his perpetual profession on 19 March 1997. He was ordained a priest on 18 December 1998.

After priestly ordination he held the following positions: 1999-2004: formator of novices; 2004-2005: treasurer of the Formation House in Venilale and parish vicar; 2005-2007: studies in Rome for a licentiate in Spirituality at the Salesian Pontifical University; 2007-2014: master of novices; 2009-2014: and director of the Salesian House and Don Bosco Technical High School in Fatumaca. In 2015, he was selected as provincial of the Salesians in his province.

On 30 January 2016, the Holy Father Francis appointed him bishop of the diocese of Díli, East Timor.

On 11 September 2019, the Holy Father appointed him the first metropolitan srchbishop of Díli.

De Donatis, Angelo

Titular Church: San Marco

Native Country: Italy

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2018-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Vicar General of Rome, Italy

Cardinal De Donatis was born 4 January 1954 in Casarano, Italy. He studied at the seminary of Taranto and then at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary. He completed his philosophical studies at the Pontifical Lateran University and his theological studies at the Pontifical Gregorian university, where he obtained a license in moral theology. He was ordained a priest on 12 April 1980 and has served in the Diocese of Rome since 28 November 1983. During his ministry he has held the following posts: religion teacher, assistant vicar and then vicar in the Parish of San Saturnino (1980-1988); attaché of the General secretariat of the Vicariate of Rome and vicar of the parish of the Santissima Annunziata in Grotta Perfetta 91988-1990); archivist of the Secretariat of the College of Cardinals (1989-1991); director of the Clergy Office of the Vicariate of Rome (1990-1996); spiritual director at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary (1990-2003); since 2003, parish priest of San Marco Evangelista al Campidoglio and the Diocese of Rome's assistant for the national association of families of the clergy; member of the Diocesan Presbyteral Council and of the College of Consultors. In 1989 he was admitted to the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem with the rank of Knight. On 14 September 2015, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Rome and assigned the titular See of Mottola. He was ordained a bishop on 9 November 2015. On 26 May 2017 he was appointed Vicar General for the Diocese of Rome and raised to the dignity of Archbishop. From 11 July 2019 to 24 October 2020 was apostolic administrator sede vacante of the exarchate for Ukrainian Catholic faithful of Byzantine rite resident in Italy.

De Kesel, Jozef

Titular Church: Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Native Country: Belgium

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Mechelen-Brussel, Belgium

Card. De Kesel was born, 17 June 1947, in Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium. He was ordained a priest on 26 August 1972. He obtained a doctorate in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. He was a professor at the seminary of Ghent, at the formation center for future religion professors and at the University of Leuven. On 26 May 2002, he was ordained a bishop, following his appointment as titular Bishop of Bulna and Auxiliary of Malines-Brussels. In 2002 he was appointed vicar general of the Vicariate of Brussels. He has served as vicar general of the Vicariate of Flemish Brabant and of the Mechelen area. On 25 June 2010 he was appointed Bishop of Bruges, and on 6 November 2015, Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of Malines-Brussels and Military Ordinary for Belgium. 

Dew, John Atcherley

Titular Church: Sant’Ippolito

Native Country: New Zealand

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Wellington, New Zealand

John Atcherley Dew was born in Waipawa, New Zealand on 5 May 1948. He studied philophy at the Holy Name Seminary and theology at Holy Cross College. He was ordained a priest on 9 May 1976, after which he served in parish ministry. In 1980 he traveled to the Cook Islands as a missionary, working in the Maori community. There he also served a parish priest and head of archdiocesan youth ministry. In 1988 he was appointed director of formation at Holy Cross College in Mosgiel. From 1991-1993 he studied spirituality at the Institute of St Anselm in Kent, England. On earning a diploma, he stayed in England and began serving as parish priest in Newtown. He received his episcopal ordination on 31 May 1995, following his appointment as titular Bishop of Privata and Auxiliary of Wellington. He was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Wellington on 24 May 2004. He succeeded Cardinal Williams as Archbishop of Wellington on 21 March 2005. He was appointed Military Ordinary for New Zealand on 1 April 2005. He was installed as Archbishop of Wellington on 7 April 2005. He was appointed President of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops' Conference on 30 October 2009. He served as President of the Federation of Catholic Bishops' Conferences of Oceania from 2010-2014. On 4 October 2019, he was appointed Apostolic Administrator of Palmerston North, New Zealand.

DiNardo, Daniel Nicholas

Titular Church: S. Eusebius

Native Country: USA

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2007-11-24

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Texas

Daniel Nicholas DiNardo, was born 23 May 1949, in Steubenville, Ohio. He entered St. Paul Seminary in 1967 and studied at Duquesne University, and then went on to receive a master's degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of America. After earning a licentiate of sacred theology in patristics at the Augustinianum Institute in Rome, DiNardo was ordained a priest in 1977, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was named assistant chancellor of the Diocese of Pittsburgh in 1981, and then returned to Rome as a staff member of the Congregation for Bishops in 1984. On 7 Oct. 1997, he was ordained coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Sioux City, and was installed as bishop on 28 Nov. 1998. When Galveston-Houston was elevated to an archdiocese 2004, Bishop DiNardo was also elevated to coadjutor archbishop. He succeeded to Archbishop Fiorenza 28 Feb. 2006. He currently serves on the ad hoc committee to oversee the use of the catechism at the U.S. Catholic bishops' conference, and also serves as the U.S. Catholic bishops' advisor to the National Association of Pastoral Musicians. He is a member of the board of directors of Catholic University of America, and the National Catholic Partnership for Persons With Disabilities, both in Washington, D.C. He was elevated to Cardinal, 24 November 2007, by Pope Benedict XVI. He was a member of the Council for the Economy on from 2014 to 2020.

Dolan, Timothy Michael

Titular Church: Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario

Native Country: USA

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-02-18

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of New York

Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan was born on 6 February 1950 in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA. He was ordained a priest on 19 June 1976. He holds a BA in philosophy, a licence in sacred theology and a doctorate in American Church history. He served as liaison for Archbishop John L. May in the restructuring of the college and the theology programmes of the arch-diocesan seminary system. In 1987, he was appointed as secretary to the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C. He served as adjunct professor of theology at Saint Louis University. He served as rector of the Pontifical North American College, Rome from 1994-2001 and taught church history and ecumenical theology at various Pontifical Universities. He was ordained a bishop on 15 August 2001, subsequent to his appointment as Auxiliary Bishop of St Louis and titular Bishop of Natchez. He was appointed Bishop of Milwaukee on 25 June 2002, then Archbishop of New York on 23 February 2009. He is a member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and the Pontifical Council for the Laity. He is also grand prior of the Eastern USA Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. On 31 May 2006 he was sent by Benedict XVI as Apostolic Visitator to seminaries in Ireland. He was elected president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on 16 November 2010, serving till November 2013.

Eijk, Willem Jacobus

Titular Church: San Callisto

Native Country: Netherlands

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-02-18

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Utrecht, Netherlands

Cardinal Willem Jacobus Eijk was born on 22 June 1953 in Duivendrecht, The Netherlands. He was ordained a priest on June 1985. He studied medicine and holds doctorates in medical bioethics research and in philosophy. He has taught ethics and moral theology and served on the executive board of the association for pro-life doctors in The Netherlands. He was co-founder and president of an association which organizes conferences and publications on medical ethics. From 1997-2000 he was part of the International Theological Commission. On 6 November 1999 he was ordained a bishop, subsequent to his appointment as Bishop of Groningen-Leeuwarden. He was installed as Archbishop of Utrecht on 26 January 2008, subsequent to his appointment, becoming the 70th successor of St Willibrord. After serving in various capacities in the Dutch Bishops' Conference, he was elected President in 2011. He is a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, of the Congregation for the Clergy and of the Pontifical Council for Culture.

Erdo, Peter

Titular Church: St. Balbina

Native Country: Hungary

Appointed By: John Paul II

Appointed On: 2003-10-21

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary

Cardinal Peter Erdo was born in Hungary on June 25, 1952. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1975, and is considered one of Eastern Europe's experts in canon law. On October 21, 2003, he was created a cardinal, and assigned the titular church of St. Balbina. He is Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest. He is a member of the Council for the Economy.

Farrell, Kevin Joseph

Titular Church: San Giuliano Martire

Native Country: Ireland

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber

Card. Farrell was born, 2 September 1947, in Dublin, Ireland. He attended the University of Salamanca in Spain, then the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He obtained licenses in philosophy and theology at the pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. He later completed an MBA at the University of Notre Dame in the USA. He entered the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ in 1966 and was ordained priest on 24 December 1978. He served as chaplain at the University of Monterrey in Mexico, professor of Economics, then as general administrator in charge of the Legionaries of Christ's seminaries and schools in Italy, Spain and Ireland. He served in pastoral ministry at Saint Bartholomew parish, Bethesda, Maryland (1983-1984). In 1984 he was incardinated into the Archdiocese of Washington, where he served in various capacities (1984-2002), including as assistant pastor at Saint Thomas the Apostle parish, director of the Spanish Catholic Center, regent executive director of Charitable Catholic Organizations, secretary for Financial Affairs, pastor of Annunciation parish. He was appointed Titular Bishop of Rusuccuru and Auxiliary of Washington on 28 December 2001, receiving episcopal ordination the following 11 February. Since 2001 he has been vicar general for Administration and moderator of the Curia. On 6 March 2007 he was appointed Bishop of Dallas. On 15 August 2016, Pope Francis appointed him Prefect of the new Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. On 14 February 2019, he was appointed Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber. 

Fernández, Victor Manuel

Titular Church: Santi Urbano e Lorenzo a Prima Porta

Native Country: Argentina

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 30 September 2023

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández was born on 18 July 1962 in Alcira Gigena, in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. He was ordained a priest on 15 August 1986 for the diocese of Villa de la Concepción del Río Cuarto, Argentina. He was awarded a licentiate in theology with biblical specialization from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, and subsequently a doctorate in theology from the Faculty of Theology of Buenos Aires. From 1993 to 2000 he was parish priest of Santa Teresita in Río Cuarto, Córdoba. He was the founder and director of the Institute for Lay Formation and the Jesús Buen Pastor Formation Centre for Teachers in the same city. In his diocese he was also a seminary formator, director for ecumenism and director for catechesis. In 2007 he participated in the Fifth Conference of Latin American Bishops (Aparecida) as a priest representing Argentina and later as a member of the drafting group for the final document. From 2008 to 2009 he was dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina and president of the Argentine Theological Society. From 2009 to 2018 he was rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. On 13 May 2013 he was appointed archbishop by Pope Francis. He participated, as a member, in the 2014 and 2015 Synods of Bishops on the family, in which he was also part of the drafting groups. In the 2017 Assembly of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina, he was elected president of the Episcopal Commission for Faith and Culture (Doctrinal Commission). In June 2018 he assumed the office of archbishop of La Plata. He has been a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture and Consultor of the Congregation for Catholic Education. He is currently a member of the Dicastery for Culture and Education. He has published more than 300 books and scientific articles, many of which have been translated into various languages. These works demonstrate an important biblical foundation and a constant commitment to the dialogue between theology and culture, the evangelizing mission, spirituality and social issues.

Ferrão, Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário

Titular Church:

Native Country: India

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Goa e Damão, India

Archbishop Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão was born on 20 January 1953 in Aldona, Goa. He studied philosophy and theology in the Seminary of Poona.

He then obtained a licentiate in biblical theology at the Pontifical Urbanian University (1988) and a licentiate in catechetics and pastoral theology at the International Lumen Vitae Institute (Brussels - 1991).

He was ordained a priest on 28 October 1979.

During the course of his priestly ministry, he has held various offices: parish vicar in Salvador do Mundo (1979) in Chinchinim (1981-84); prefect and lecturer at Our Lady Minor Seminary in Saligao-Pilerne (1984-1986), diocesan director of the Centre for the Apostolate of the Laity (1991-1994); ecclesiastical consultor of Saint Luke’s Medical Guild (1993-1994); and episcopal vicar of the archdiocese of Goa.

On 25 January 1994 he was appointed titular bishop of Vanariona and auxiliary of Goa and Damão.

Within the Episcopal Conference he has held various posts, including president of the Commission for Justice, Peace and Development (1995); and president of the Commission for the Laity (1998-2002).

On 16 January 2004, Saint John Paul II appointed him archbishop of Goa and Damão with the title of Patriarca ad honorem  of the East Indies.

Filoni, Fernando

Titular Church: Nostra Signora di Coromoto in San Giovanni di Dio

Native Country: Italy

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-02-18

Ecclesiastical Office: Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

Cardinal Fernando Filoni was born on 15 April 1946 in Manduria, Italy. He was ordained a priest on 3 July 1970 and holds doctorates in philosophy and canon law. He entered the Diplomatic Service of the Holy See in 1981 and served in Sri Lanka, Iran, Brazil, Iraq and the Philippines, among other countries. Following his appointment as titular Archbishop of Volturno and Apostolic Nuncio in Iraq and in Jordan, he received Episcopal ordination on 19 March 2001. To convey the Church’s closeness to the people during the war in Iraq, Archbishop Filoni stayed at his post until March 2006 at considerable personal risk. He served as Apostolic Nuncio in the Philippines from February 2006 until his appointment as Substitute of the Secretariat of State on 9 June 2007. On 10 May 2011, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. Then on 8 December 2019, Pope Francis appointed him Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

Gambetti, Mauro

Titular Church: Santissimo Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano

Native Country: Italy

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2020-11-28

Ecclesiastical Office: President of the Fabric of St Peter

Cardinal Mauro Gambetti was born 27 October 1965 in Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna, Italy. After obtaining a degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Bologna, in September 1992 he officially began his journey with the Order of Friars Minor Conventual for whom, after a novitiate year, he professed his temporary vows on 29 August 1995, and his perpetual vows on 20 September 1998. He obtained a degree in theology at the Theological Institute of Assisi, and then a license in theological anthropology at the Theological Faculty of Central Italy in Florence. He was ordained a priest on 8 January 2000, and served as animator of youth and vocational ministry for Emilia-Romagna and from 2005 to 2009 as custos of the Conventual Franciscan community in the Shrine of the Very Holy Crucifix in Longiano. In 2009 he was elected Provincial Minister of the Province of Saint Anthony of Padua. On 22 February 2013 he became General Custodian of the General Custody of the Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi, a four year term which was reconfirmed in 2017. He was appointed episcopal vicar for pastoral ministry of Saint Francis Papal Basilica and of other places of worship run by the Friars Minor Conventual in the same  diocese. He was elected President of the Inter-Mediterranean Federation of Provincial Ministers of his Order in September 2017. He was appointed President of the Fabric of St Peter on 20 February 2021 and Archpriest of St Peter Basilica.

García Rodríguez, Juan de la Caridad

Titular Church: Santi Aquila e Priscilla

Native Country: Cuba

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2019-10-05

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of San Cristóbal de la Habana

Card. Garcia Rodriguez, 71, was born in Camaguey, Cuba. After completing his studies in philosophy and theology, he was ordained a priest on 25 January 1972 and served in parish ministry in Moron, Ciego de Avila and Jatibonico. Through-out the 1970s when the Cuban regime did not allow priests to preach outside church walls, he went from village to village visiting homes and distributing pamphlets that sought to reaffirm Christian values. In 1989, he was transferred to the parish of Florida, where he also served neighbouring communities. On 15 March 1997 Garcia Rodriguez was appointed Bishop of the titular Episcopal See of Gummi di Proconsolarc and Auxiliary Bishop of Camaguey, receiving his episcopal ordination 011 7 June that same year. Following the elevation of the Diocese of Camaguey to a metropolitan See, he was appointed its Archbishop on 10 June 2002. In February 2006, he was elected President of the Bishops’ Conference of Cuba. In 2007 he was appointed a member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. On 26 April 2016, Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of San Cristobal de La Habana. He is currently a member of the Permanent Committee of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Cuba and President of the national Commission for Mission and Family.
L'Osservatore Romano, 11 October 2019

Goh Seng Chye, William

Native Country: Singapore

Titular Church:

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Singapore

Archbishop William Seng Chye Goh was born on 25 June 1957 in Singapore. He attended Montfort Secondary School, where he received his high school diploma. He completed his philosophical studies at Penang Major Seminary (College General), Malaysia, and his theological studies at Singapore Major Seminary.

He was ordained a priest on 1 May 1985, for the archdiocese of Singapore.

After ordination, he first served as parish vicar of Holy Cross in Singapore (1985-1990). From 1990 to 1992 he studied for his licentiate in theology at the Gregorian University in Rome. He went on to serve as parish priest of Saint Anne's, Singapore (1992-1993) and professor and formator at the Major Seminary of Singapore (1992-2005). Since 2005, he has held the role of rector of Singapore Major Seminary.

He has also held the following positions: member of the Presbyteral Senate, member of the College of Consultors, member of the Diocesan Council for Vocational Promotion, and spiritual director of the Archdiocesan Catholic Center for Spirituality.

On 29 December 2012, he was appointed coadjutor archbishop of Singapore.

On 20 May 2013, the Holy Father Francis appointed him archbishop of Singapore.

Gomes Furtado, Arlindo

Titular Church: San Timoteo

Native Country: Cape Verde

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde, Archipelago of Cape Verde

Arlindo Gomes Furtado was born on 15 November 1949 in Santa Catarina, Cape Verde. He entered the São José Minor Seminary in 1963 and then in 1971 he went to Coimbra, Portugal to continue at the Major Seminary. Five years later he returned to Cape Verde and was ordained a deacon on 9 May. After working in parish ministry he was ordained a priest on 18 July 1976. From 1978-1986 he served as rector of the Minor Seminary of São José. In the meantime he was also chancellor and treasurer of the diocese (1978-1984) and chaplain of the Cape Verdeans in the Netherlands (1985-1986). In August 1986 he came to Rome and studied for a license in Sacred Scripture. On returning to his native country, he began teaching high school English. He returned to Coimbra and began teaching biblical studies at a higher institute for theology. During his stay in Portugal he also worked in parish administration. In 1995 he returned to Cape Verde and began working in parish ministry and serving as a member of the National Council for Education and taught in the Police Academy. Until 2004 he was also vicar general of the Diocese of Santiago de Cabo Verde. He was ordained a bishop on 22 February 2003, following his appointment as the first Bishop of the newly-established Diocese of Mindelo. He chose “Jesus the Good Shepherd” as his motto. Then on 22 July 2009 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Santiago do Cabo Verde. Furtado is the first cardinal from Cape Verde.

Gracias, Oswald

Titular Church: S. Paolo della Croce a "Corviale"

Native Country: India

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2007-11-24

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Bombay, Member Council of Cardinals

Oswald Gracias was born 24 December 1944 in Mumbai, India. He attended the Seminary of St. Pius X, Bombay, and was ordained a priest on 20 December 1970. He studied at the Pontifical Urbanian University, Rome, 1976-1982, obtaining a doctorate in canon law and a diploma in jurisprudence. On 28 June 1997, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay, and Titular Bishop of Bladia. He was ordained Bishop on 16 September 1997. On 7 September 2000, he was appointed Archbishop of Agra, India. He was appointed Archbishop of Bombay on 14 October 2006, and installed 14 December 2006. He was elevated to Cardinal, 24 November 2007, by Pope Benedict XVI. In 13 April 2013, he was appointed Member of the Council of Cardinals.

Grech, Mario

Titular Church: Santi Cosma e Damiano

Native Country: Malta

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2020-11-20

Ecclesiastical Office: Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops

Cardinal Mario Grechi, 63, was born in Qala, Malta. After completing his studies in philosophy and theology at the Sacred Heart Seminary of Gozo, he was ordained a priest on 16 May 1984. Studying in Rome, he obtained a license in canon and civil law at the Lateran University and a doctorate in canon law at the Angelicum. He returned to Malta and excised his ministry at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Blessed Virgin of Ta’ Pinu in Gozo. He served as: parish priest in the parishes of Ta’ Kercem and of Saint Lawrence; as Judicial Vicar of the diocese and of the ecclesiastical Tribunal of Malta; as a teacher of canon law at the seminary and as a member of the College of consultors, of the Presbyteral Council and of the diocesan commissions for theology, family and social communications. On 26 November 2005 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Gozo, a ministry he continued until 2009. Between 2008 and 2009 he launched the diocesan mission and made several pastoral visits to the Maltese communities in the USA, Albania, Canada, Brazil Australia and Peru. He was appointed Pro-Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops by Pope Francis on 2 October 2019. On 28 April 2020, he was appointed a member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and on 15 September the same year, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops.

Gugerotti, Claudio

Titular Church: Sant’Ambrogio della Massima

Native Country: Italy

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 30 September 2023

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches

Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti was born in Verona in 1955, Archbishop Gugerotti joined the Pius Society of Don Nicola Mazza and was ordained a priest in 1982. At the Ca' Foscari University in Venice he received a degree in Oriental Languages and Literature, as well as a licentiate in liturgy at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo and a doctorate in Oriental Ecclesiastical Sciences at the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Archbishop Gugerotti worked at the Congregation for Oriental Churches, starting in 1985. In 1997 Saint Pope John Paul II appointed him undersecretary of the Congregation. He was appointed an archbishop in 2002 and became Apostolic Nuncio of various countries where various Eastern Churches are located: 2002 in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan; 2011 in Belarus; 2020 in Ukraine in 2015 and in 2020 in Great Britain. He has been Prefect of the Dicastery for Eastern Churches since January 2023.

Harvey, James Michael

Titular Church: San Pio V a Villa Carpegna

Native Country: USA

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-11-24

Ecclesiastical Office: Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St Paul Outside-the-Walls

Cardinal James Michael Harvey was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the United States of America on 20 October 1949. He studied at the seminary in his hometown before being sent to complete his formation in Rome. He lived at the Pontifical North American College and earned a degree in canon law. He was one of the 359 priests to be ordained by Paul VI on 29 June 1975, the 12th anniversary of his election to the papal throne, and was incardinated in his Archdiocese of Milwaukee. He studied at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome and entered the Diplomatic Service of the Holy See on 25 March 1980. He served for two years at the Pontifical Representation in the Dominican Republic and then, as a Nunciature Counsellor, began his service in the Section for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State in 1982. John Paul II appointed him Assessor for General Affairs on 22 July 1997 and the following November he was named a member of the Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000. On 7 February 1998, Pope Wojtyla appointed him Prefect of the Pontifical Household and ordained him a bishop on 19 March 1998 in St Peter's Basilica, after assigning him the titular episcopal see of Memphis. Five years later, on 29 September 2003, the Pope raised him to the dignity of Archbishop. The new Cardinal is a member of the Knights of Colombus and an honorary member of the Circolo San Pietro [St Peter's Circle]. He has received several decorations, including the "Gran Cruz de la Real Orden de Isabel la Católica" of Spain, and the "Cavalierato di Gran Croce del' Ordine del Merito" of the Italian Republic. He was responsible for promoting the restoration of the papal apartment in Castel Gandolfo and another room in the Vatican, as well as of the residence currently assigned to the Prefect of the Pontifical Household. This is in fact the historical dwelling of Pope Julius II and its original decorations date back to the early 16th century. On 23 November 2012 he was appointed Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St Paul's Outside-the-Walls. The more than thirty years that Cardinal Harvey has spent at the service of the Holy See as a direct collaborator of the Roman Pontiff makes him one of the best known figures in the life of the Church. In his office as Prefect of the Pontifical Household, since 1998 he has accompanied John Paul II and Benedict XVI at all their audiences and public and private visits in the Vatican, Rome and Italy.

Hollerich, S.J., Jean-Claude

Titular Church: San Giovanni Crisostomo a Monte Sacro Alto

Native Country: Luxembourg

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2019-10-05

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Luxembourg

Card. Hollerich, 61, was born in Differdange, Luxembourg. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1981 and received formation at the Province of Southern Belgium and Luxembourg. In 1985 he was sent to Japan where he studied Japanese culture, and then resumed his theological studies at Sophia University in Tokyo. He completed formation in Germany, where he obtained his licence at the Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology in Frankfurt. He was ordained a priest on 21 April 1990 and in 1994, he obtained a licence in German literature from Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. He then returned to Japan, where he taught German, French and European studies at Sophia University. In 1996 he became chaplain of the German Church in Japan and then, in 1999, student chaplain of Sophia University. During his 17 years in Tokyo, he served the university, the Catholic community, the Society of Jesus and the German Bishops Conference. He also served as rector of the Jesuit community of the University of Sophia, as vice-rector for general and student affairs, and as consultor of the Japanese province of the Society of Jesus. He was appointed by Benedict XVI as Archbishop of Luxembourg on 12 July 2011 and was ordained bishop in the Cathedral of Luxembourg on 16 October of that year. He has served as President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE). On 3 April 2019 he was elected President of Coetus Internationalis Ministrantium, the international association of altar servers. LOR, 11 Oct 2019

Kambanda, Antoine

Titular Church: San Sisto

Native Country: Rwanda

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2020-11-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Kigali, Rwanda

Cardinal Antoine Kambanda was born 10 November 1958 in Nymata, Rwanda. All members of his family, except one brother, were killed during the war of 1994. He studied philosophy and theology in Kenya before returning to is native Rwanda to complete his theological studies at the Major Seminary of Nyakibanda, in the Diocese of Butare. He was ordained priest on 8 September 1990 by Saint John Paul II, during the Holy Father's pastoral visit to Rwanda. After his ordination he served as an English professor and a Prefect of Saint Vincent Minor Seminary of Ndera, Kigali from 1990 to 1993, then studied from 1993 to 1999 at the Alfonsiana Academy and the Saint Paul Pontifical College in Rome, obtaining a degree in moral theology. From 1999 to 2005 he served as: director of the diocesan Caritas in Kigali; director of the diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace; professor of moral theology at the Major Theology Seminary in Nyakibanda; and spiritual director at the Major seminary of Rutongo. He then served as rector of the Major Philosophical Seminary of Kabgayi from 2005 to 2006; and from 2006 he served as rector of the Saint Charles Major seminary of Nyakibanda, in the Diocese of Butare. On 7 May 2013 he was appointed Bishop of Kibungo and served in that role until 19 November 2018, when Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of Kigali.

Koch, Kurt

Titular Church: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

Native Country: Switzerland

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2010-11-20

Ecclesiastical Office: President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, was born on 15 March 1950 in Emmenbrücke, diocese of Basel (Switzerland). He studied theology at the University of Munich and at the University of Lucerne, graduating in 1975.

He was ordained a priest on 20 June 1982. He served as parish priest of St. Marien in Bern until 1985, as well as lecturer in fundamental theology at the Faculty of Fribourg. In 1987, he completed his doctorate in theology and in 1989 became professor of dogmatic theology and liturgy at the University of Lucerne, eventually becoming rector of the faculty of theology in 1995. On 6 December 1995 he was appointed bishop of Basel and was consecrated on 6 January 1996 in Rome. From 1998 to 2006, he was vice-president of the Swiss Bishops’ Conference and president from 2007 to 2009.

On 1 July 2010 he was appointed president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity with the title of archbishop. At the end of August 2010, Pope Benedict XVI entrusted him with the role of Principal-Relator to the so-called Ratzinger Schülkreis, a group of the Pope’s former students who meet annually at Castel Gandolfo, and held two conferences on the correct interpretation of the Second Vatican Council and on liturgical reform. He participated in the conclave of March 2013, which elected Pope Francis.

Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Benedict XVI in the consistory of 20 November 2010, of the Title of Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart), Deaconry elevated pro hac vice to presbyteral title (3 May 2021).

Kovithavanij, Francis Xavier Kriengsak

Titular Church: Santa Maria Addolorata

Native Country: Thailand

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Bangkok, Thailand

Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovithavanij was born on 27 June 1949 in Ban Rak, Thailand. After attending St Joseph’s Seminary in Sampran, he studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Urban University in Rome, from 1970-1976. He was ordained a priest on 11 July 1976. Later that year he became parish vicar of the Nativity of Mary in Ban Pan and then, from 1977-1979, parish vicar of the Epiphany in Koh Vai. He then served as vice-rector of St Joseph’s Minor Seminary in Sampran from 1979-1981, before returning to Rome, from 1982-1983, for a specialization in spirituality at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Upon returning to Thailand he was rector of the Holy Family Intermediate Seminary in Nakhon Ratchasima for six years. From 1989-1993, he served as undersecretary of the Bishop’s Conference of Thailand, and then, from 1992-2000 as rector of the Lux Mundi National Major Seminary in Sampran, where he has been an adjunct professor since 2001. He served, as parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes in Hua Take from 2000-2003, then from 2003-2007 he served as parish priest of the Cathedral, and as secretary of the Presbyterial Council of the Archdiocese of Bangkok. Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Nakhon Sawan on 7 March 2007, and he received his episcopal ordination on 2 June of that year. On 14 May 2009 he was appointed Archbishop of Bangkok, following the resignation of his predecessor, Archbishop Michael Michai Kitbunchu, Thailand’s first cardinal. He was elected vice-president of the Bishops’ Conference of Thailand later that year, and in that capacity he plays a fundamental role in the diaogue with Buddhists. In 2012 he attended the Synod of Bishops, where he was elected to the Commission for Information. He was also called that year to assume the position of coordinator of Bishops Friends of the Focolare Movement.

Krajewski, Konrad

Titular Church: Santa Maria Immacolata all’Esquilino

Native Country: Poland

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2018-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Apostolic Almoner

Cardinal Krajewski was born 25 November 1963 in Łódź, Poland. He entered the Diocesan Seminary of Łódź in 1982. He was ordained priest on 11 June 1988, after obtaining a degree in theology from the Catholic University of Lublin. For two years he served as parish vicar, first in Rusiec and then in Łódź. On 5 March 1993 he obtained a license in Sacred Liturgy from the Saint Anselm Liturgical Institute in Rome. On 10 March 1995 he received a degree in theology, with a specialization in liturgy, from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas. He worked in the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff and was chaplain to La Sapienza University's Orthopaedic and Traumatological Clinic. In 1995, he returned to his diocese where he served as master of ceremonies for the Archbishop and taught liturgy at the diocesan seminary, where he served as prefect. He also taught liturgy at the Franciscan and Salesian Seminaries, and at the Warsaw Academy. In 1998 he returned to Rome where he served at the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff. On 12 May 1999 he was appointed Papal Master of Ceremonies. On 3 August 2013 he was appointed Almoner of His Holiness and titular Archbishop of Benevento. He received episcopal ordination on 17 September 2013. He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 28 June 2018, with the title of the Diaconate of Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino.

Kutwa, Jean-Pierre

Titular Church: Sant'Emerenziana a Tor Fiorenza

Native Country: Ivory Coast

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Jean-Pierre Kutwa was born in Blockhauss, Ivory Coast on 22 December 1945. His vocation to the priesthood was evidenced from his early childhood. He entered the seminary in 1957 and subsequently completed his theological studies at the major seminary in Anyama. He was ordained a priest on 11 July 1971. From 1971-1974 he served as vicar in the Cathedral Parish of Saint Paul du Plateau and as chaplain of the Catholic student youth group. In 1977 he was appointed as national director of catholic works, and the following year returned to the Cathedral where he served as parish priest from 1978-1995. He earned his doctorate in biblical studies in 1985. In 1987 he returned to the Ivory Coast where he served as parish priest at the Cathedral, as professor of Sacred Scripture at the seminary of Anyama, and as diocesan chaplain of the JEC. In 1995 he was assigned as parish priest of Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours in Treichville. In 1997 he was involved in a serious car accident and almost lost his life. On 16 September 2001 he was ordained Archbishop of Gagnoa, subsequent to his appointed by Pope John Paul VI. In October 2005 he participated as a delegate of the Bishops of the Ivory Coast in the Eleventh Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist. On 2 May 2006, Benedict XVI transferred him to the Archdiocese of Abidjan. In the National Bishops' Conference he served as head of the Commission for the Lay Apostolate, as vice-president of the Regional Bishops' Conference of West Africa, and as deputy grand chancellor of the Catholic University of West Africa. In exercising his ministry in the nation's capital, he faced the challenges of a country that had recently lived through the tragic events of a civil war. After the violence which followed the 2010 elections, which ended only in April 2011, he repeatedly called for national reconciliation. He is the third cardinal from the Ivory Coast.

Lacroix, Gerald Cyprien, ISPX

Titular Church: San Giuseppe All'Aurelio

Native Country: Canada

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Quebec, Canada

Gerald Cyprien Lacroix was born in Saint-Hilaire de Dorset, Canada, on 27 July 1957. In 1965 he emigrated with his family to New Hampshire, United States. In 1975, he entered the Pius X Secular Institute. He subsequently returned to Quebec, and in 1980 travelled to Colombia as a missionary. When he returned home, he decided to become a priest: in 1982 he professed final vows and in 1985 completed a bachelor of theology. He was immediately appointed as General Secretary of the Pius X Secular Institute, an office he held until 1987. At this time, he also served as Director of the Centre for Christian Formation and Renewal in Quebec. He was ordained a priest on 8 October 1988. He then returned to Colombia, where from 1990-98 he served as a missionary in the Archdiocese of Popayan, as a professor at the Major Seminary of San José, as a member of the diocesan pastoral council, presbyteral council, and commission for social media, and as director of the commission on the liturgy. In 2001, he was named director general of the ISPX and returned to Quebec where he served for two consecutive terms. Since 2008 he has served as president of the secretariat of the Saint-André school of evangelization in Canada and as a member of the executive council of the worldwide conference of secular institutes. He was ordained a bishop on 24 May 2009, following his appointment as titular Bishop of Ilta and Auxiliary Bishop of Quebec. In 2010 he was named diocesan administrator, after Cardinal Marc Ouellet's appointment as Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. At this time, he was also named a member of the committee for interreligious and intercultural relations for the assembly of Bishops of Quebec, a member of the Family and Life ad hoc committee for the Canadian Bishops' Conference, and coordinating Bishop for secular institutes in Canada. On 22 February 2011 he was appointed Archbishop of Quebec by Pope Benedict XVI. Three years later, he became the eighth Cardinal of Quebec and the 17th cardinal to be named in Canadian history when he was proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 22 February 2014, with the Title of San Giuseppe all’Aurelio (St. Joseph at Aurelio).

Langlois, Chibly

Titular Church: San Giacomo in Augusta

Native Country: Haiti

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Les Cayes, Haiti

Chibly Langlois was born in La Vallée, Haiti, on 29 November 1958. He earned a BA in theology in Port-au-Prince before his ordination as a priest on 22 September 1991. In 1994 he moved to Rome where he earned a lieence in pastoral theology. Two years later he returned to Haiti and began working in parish ministry, in the offices for cateehesis and the youth apostolate of the Diocese of Jacmel. He also taught theology in the Grand Séminaire Notre-Dame in Port-au-Prince. On 8 April 2004 he was appointed the second bishop of Fort-Liberté by John Paul II and received his episcopal ordination on 6 June. He has served as head of the Commission for Catechesis and member of the Commission for Missions within the national episcopal conference. When his homeland was struck by an earthquake in 2010, he became a leader in the rebuilding efforts and in providing spiritual support. On 15 August 2011 Benedict xvi appointed him Bishop of Les Cayes. That same year he was elected president of the Bishops' Conference of Haiti. He also serves as head of the Commission for the Pastoral Care of Children and the Administrative Council of the Université Notre-Dame d'Haïti. As head of the episcopal conference he helped to give a voice to the suffering and worked to promote dialogue between the President of the Republic and those who opposed him. Amid the serious political crisis, he launched an initiative entitled: "Together for the good of Haiti". The announcement that he was to be created cardinal came on the fourth anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti.

Lojudice, Augusto Paolo

Titular Church: Santa Maria del Buon Consiglio

Native Country: Italy

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2020-11-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Siena-Colle di Val d’Elsa-Montalcino, Italy

Cardinal Augusto Paolo Lojudice was born in Rome, Italy, on 1 July 1964. he prepared for the priesthood at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary and studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University from 1983 to 1989, obtaining a license in theology with a specialization in fundamental theology. He was ordained a priest on 6 May 1989 for the Diocese of Rome. He served as parish vicar of the parish of Saint Mary of Good Counsel, parish vicar of San Vigilio Parish, parish priest of Holy Mary Mother of the Redeemer Parish in Tor Bella Monaca, spiritual director at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary (2005-2014), and parish priest of San Luca Evangelista al Prenestino. On 6 March 2015, he was appointed titular Bishop of Alba Marittima and Auxiliary Bishop of Rome, receiving his episcopal ordination the following 23 May. He is the Secretary of the Episcopal Commission for Migration of the Italian Episcopal Conference. On 6 May 2019 Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino. He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 28 November 2020, of the Title of Santa Maria del Buon Consiglio.

López Romero, S.D.B., Cristóbal

Titular Church: San Leone I

Native Country: Spain

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2019-10-05

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Rabat

Card. Lopez Romero, 67, was born in Velez-Rubio, Spain. He joined the Salesians of Don Bosco in 1964, making his first vows at the age of 16 and professing his final vows on 2 August 1974. After completing his studies at the Salesian seminaries of Girona and Barcelona, he was ordained a priest on 19 May 1979. He earned a degree in information sciences, journalism section, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 1982. In 1984 he left, for Paraguay where he worked in youth ministry at the Salesian College in Asuncion before he was appointed in 1986 as provincial of youth pastoral ministry, a role he held until 1992. While in the Paraguayan capital, he served as pastor from 1992 to 1994, as the Provincial Superior of the Salesians from 1994 to 2000, as community director and teacher at Asuncion College from 2000 to 2002. He then served in the Salesian missions from 2002 to 2003. After transferring to Morocco he served as director for the community, parish and scholastic ministry at the vocational training Centre of Kenitra from 2003 to 2011. On his return to Latin America, he was Provincial Superior of Bolivia until 2014. On returning to Spain, he was elected Provincial Superior of Maria Auxiliadora, serving until 2017. On 29 December 2017, Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of Rabat, where he received the Holy Father during his Apostolic Journey to Morocco in March 2019. He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 5 October 2019, with the Title of San Leone I (St. Leo I).

Macário do Nascimento Clemente, Manuel José

Titular Church: Sant’Antonio in Campo Marzio

Native Country: Portugal

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal

Manuel José Macário do Nascimento Clemente was born in Torres Vedras, Portugal on 16 July 1948. After earning a history degree at the University of Lisbon, he entered the Patriarchal Seminary of Cristo Rei dos Olivais. He earned a doctorate in theology, with a specialization in historical theology, at the Catholic University of Portugal. He was ordained a priest on 19 June 1979. On 22 January 2000 he was ordained a bishop, after his appointment as titular Bishop of Pinhel and Auxiliary of Lisbon. On 22 February 2007, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Porto. He was appointed Patriarch of Lisbon by Pope Francis on 18 May 2013. He has served as president of the Bishops' Conference of Portugal since 19 June 2013. In the Conference, he has served as president of the Episcopal Commission for Culture, Cultural Assets and Social Communications. Since 2012 he has been a member of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication. During his patriarchate he has been vice-rector and rector of the Major Seminary, professor in the faculty of theology of the Catholic University of Portugal, and a member of the Cathedral Chapter, the Presbytery Council and the Pastoral Council.

Maeda, Thomas Aquino Manyo

Titular Church: Santa Pudenziana

Native Country: Japan

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2018-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Osaka, Japan

Cardinal Maeda was born March 1949 in Tsuwasaki, Kami-Goto, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. After graduating from the Nanzan Lyceum in Nagasaki, he entered the Saint Sulpice Major Seminary in Fukuoka. He was ordained priest on 19 March 1975 and incardinated in the Diocese of Nagasaki. Since priestly ordination he has held the following positions: parish vicar, parish priest; editor of the diocesan Bulletin and head of the diocesan commission for Social communications, and vicar forane. He served as Secretary General of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Japan from 2006 until his episcopal appointment on 13 June 2011. He has focused especially on education, ecumenism, dialogue and the rights of the disabled. On 23 September 2011 he was ordained Bishop of Hiroshima. On 20 August 2014 Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of Osaka. He entered office on 23 September 2014. Since 2016 he has served as Vice President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Japan. 

Mafi, Soane Patita Paini

Titular Church: Santa Paola Romana

Native Country: Tonga

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Tonga, Kingdom of Tonga

Soane Patita Paini Mafi was born on 19 December 1961 in Nuku’alofa on the Island of Tongatapu, Tonga. He earned a degree in divinity at the Pacific Regional Seminary in Fiji. He was ordained a priest on 29 June 1991 and began serving in parish ministry. In 1998 he studied in the United States at Ignatius Loyola College, Maryland, where he earned a degree in pastoral counseling. In 2001 he returned to the Pacific where he began serving as vice-rector at Pacific Regional Seminary in Fiji. On 4 October 2007 he was ordained a bishop, following his appointment as Coadjutor of Tonga. On 18 April 2008 he became the Bishop of Tonga. In 2008 he was elected chairperson for Caritas Tonga. That same year he began serving as chairperson at the Tonga National Forum of Church Leaders. He was elected president of the Episcopal Conference of the Pacific in 2009. In 2012 he celebrated the 170th jubilee of the first Mass in Tonga and the 125th anniversary of Catholic education in the country. In October 2012 he participated in the Synod on the New Evangelization and in 2014 he also participated in the Synod on the Family. At the age of 53, he is the youngest cardinal and the first cardinal from Tonga.

Mamberti, Dominique

Titular Church: Santo Spirito in Sassia

Native Country: France

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Titular Archbishop of Sagona, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

Dominique Mamberti was born in Marrakech, Morocco, on 7 March 1952, to French parents who returned to France shortly after his birth. After entering the Pontifical French Seminary in Rome, he was ordained a priest on 20 September 1981 for the diocese of Ajaccio, Corsica. He earned a degree in canon law and began studying at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy. He entered the Holy See’s diplomatic service on 1 March 1986, serving in Algeria (1986-1990), Chile (1990-1993), at the UN in New York (1993-1996), in Lebanon (1996-1999), and at the Section for Relations with States at the Secretariat of State (1999-2002). On 3 July 2002, he was ordained a bishop after his appointment as Apostolic Nuncio in Sudan, titular Archbishop of Sagona and Apostolic Delegate in Somalia. On 19 February 2004 he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio in Eritrea. On 15 September 2006, he was appointed secretary for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State by Pope Benedict XVI. He served until January 2015, leading many Holy See delegations at international meetings and conferences, especially at the General Assembly of the UN and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. On 8 November 2014, Pope Francis appointed him prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura.

Marengo, Giorgio, I.M.C.

Titular Church:

Native Country: Italy

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Bishop Giorgio Marengo, I.M.C., was born on 7 June 1974 in Cuneo, Italy. From 1993 to 1995 he studied philosophy at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy, and from 1995 to 1998, theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. From 2000 to 2006 he completed further studies at the Pontifical Urbanian University, obtaining a licentiate and doctorate in missionology. He gave his perpetual vows on 24 June 2000 as a member of the I.M.C., and was ordained a priest on 26 May 2001.

After priestly ordination, he first exercised his pastoral ministry in Mongolia, in Arvaiheer (2000-2003). In 2003 he was assigned to the mission in Mongolia (the first I.M.C. missionary in Mongolia). Since 2016 he has served as Asia Regional Counsellor, superior for Mongolia and parish priest of Mary Mother of Mercy in Arvaiheer.

On 2 April 2020, the Holy Father Francis appointed him apostolic prefect of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, with episcopal character, assigning him the titular see of Castra severiana.

Martínez Flores, Adalberto

Titular Church:

Native Country: Paraguay

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Metropolitan Archbishop of Asunción, Paraguay

Archbishop Adalberto Martínez Flores was born in Asunción, Paraguay on 8 July 1951. He attended the Faculty of Economics at the Universidad Nacional de Asuncióne of the University of Washington. (1970-1977). He then completed his philosophical and theological studies at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome (1977-1981). He was ordained a priest on 24 August 1985. He exercised his priestly ministry in the diocese of Saint Thomas, Virgin Islands, United States of America, from 1985 to 1994. He was incardinated in Asunción in 1994 and was pastor of Los Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y María from 1994 to 1997.

On 14 August 1997, he was appointed auxiliary bishop of Asunción and received episcopal consecration the following 8 November. On 18 May 2000, he was appointed as first bishop of the new diocese of San Lorenzo. On 19 February 2007, he was transferred to the diocese of San Pedro and on 14 March 2012, he was appointed Military Ordinary of Paraguay. On 23 June 2018, he was transferred to Villarrica del Espíritu Santo and appointed apostolic administrator of the Military Ordinariate of Paraguay. In November 2018 he was elected president of the Episcopal Conference of Paraguay and re-elected in November 2021 for another three-year term.

On 17 February 2022, Holy Father Francis appointed him metropolitan archbishop of the archdiocese of Asunción.

Marto dos Santos, António Augusto

Titular Church: Santa Maria sopra Minerva

Native Country: Portugal

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2018-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop Emeritus of Leiria-Fátima, Portugal

Cardinal dos Santos Marto was born 5 May 1947 in Tronco, Portugal. He entered the Minor Seminary of Vila Real, and the attended courses in philosophy and theology at the Catholic University of Portugal, as a student of the Major Seminary in Porto. He holds a doctorate in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University. He was ordained priest on 7 November 1971. Returning from Rome, he served as a professor in the faculties of theology and law of the Catholic University of Portugal. He was prefect of discipline at the Major Seminary of Porto and head of seminarians for the Diocese of Vila Real. He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Braga on 10 November 2000 and was ordained bishop on 11 February 2001. On 22 April 2004 he was appointed Bishop of Viseu, and on 22 April 2006 he was appointed Bishop of Leiria-Fátima. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 28 June 2018, of the Title of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. He retired as Bishop of Leiria-Fatima on 28 January 2022. 

Marx, Reinhard

Titular Church: St. Corbinian

Native Country: Germany

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2010-11-20

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Munich and Freising

Cardinal Reinhard Marx was born, 21 September 1953, in Geseke, Germany. He studied for the priesthood in Paderborn, and also at the Institut Catholique in Parish. He was ordained to the priesthood on 2 June 1979, minister in a parish, then as school chaplain. He returned to his studies in 1986 and in 1989 earned a doctorate in theology from the University of Bochum. He served as a professor of Catholic social doctrine, then was named Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn, and Titular Bishop of Petina, on 23 July 1996. He was ordained Bishop on 21 September 1996. On 20 December 2001, he was appointed Bishop of Trier, Germany, and was installed 1 April 2002. He was appointed Archbishop of Munich and Freising on 30 November 2007, and installed 2 February 2008. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Benedict XVI in the Consistory of 20 November 2010, with the Title of San Corbiniano (Saint Corbinian).

McElroy, Robert Walter

Titular Church:

Native Country: USA

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of San Diego, California, USA

Bishop Robert Walter McElroy was born in San Francisco, California, in the archdiocese of the same name, on 5 February 1954. After attending Saint Joseph Minor Seminary, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in history from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts (1975) and a masters in history from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California (1976). He completed his ecclesiastical studies at Saint Patrick Seminary in Menlo Park, California. He then obtained a licentiate in theology at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California (1985). He was later awarded a doctorate in moral theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (1986) and a doctorate in Political Science from Stanford University (1989).

He was ordained a priest on 12 April 1980, for the archdiocese of San Francisco.

After his ordination, he held the following positions: parish vicar of Saint Cecilia parish in San Francisco (1980-1982); personal secretary to Archbishop John R. Quinn and master of ceremonies (1982-1985); parish vicar of Saint Pius parish in Redwood City (1989-1995); vicar general (1995-1997); parish priest of Saint Gregory parish in San Mateo and archdiocesan consultor (1997-2010).

In 1996 he was appointed Prelate of Honour of His Holiness.

Appointed titular bishop of Gemellae in Byzacena and auxiliary of San Francisco on 6 July 2010, he received episcopal consecration on the following 7 September.

On 3 March 2015, Holy Father Francis appointed him bishop of San Diego, United States of America.

Mendonça, Jose Tolentino de

Titular Church: Santi Domenico e Sisto

Native Country: Portugal

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2019-10-05

Ecclesiastical Office: Archivist and Librarian of the Holy Roman Church

Card. Jose Tolentino Calaça de Mendonça, 53, was born in Madeira, Portugal. He obtained a licence in theology from the Universidade Catolica Portoguesa (UCP) in 1989, and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Funchal on 28 July 1990. In 1992, he obtained a licence in biblical studies. In 2004 he moved to Lisbon, where he served five years as chaplain of the city’s Catholic University. He was then sent to Rome in 2001, following his appointment as Rector of the Pontifical Portuguese College. After completing his doctorate in biblical theology in 2004, he returned to Portugal as a lecturer of New Testament and Theological Aesthetic at UCP in Lisbon, at the same time serving as director of the university’s magazine on theological studies, Didaskalia, and of the Centre for Religious and Cultural studies. After his appointment as consultor of the Pontifical Council for Culture in 2011, he was appointed vice rector of the UCP and the following year was sent as a visiting lecturer to the Catholic Universities of Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte in Brazil. For years he has edited Che cosa sono le nuvole, a column in the weekly news publication “Expresso”. Pope Francis chose him as preacher of the 2018 Lenten Spiritual Exercises for the Roman Curia and, on 26 June 2018, appointed him Archivist and Librarian of the Holy Roman Church. Msgr Calaça de Mendonça was ordained a bishop on 28 July 2018, subsequent to his appointment as titular Archbishop of Suava. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 5 October 2019, with the Deaconry of Santi Domenico e Sisto.

Montenegro, Francesco

Titular Church: Santi Andrea e Gregorio al Monte Celio

Native Country: Italy

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Agrigento, Italy

Francesco Montenegro was born on 22 May 1946 in Messina, Italy. He attended the St Pius X Archdiocesan Seminary from middle school through his philosophy and theology studies. He also studied pastoral theology at the Ignatianum in Messina. He was ordained a priest on 8 August 1969, and subsequently served two years in priestly ministry at a village of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), an area receiving assistance after being damaged by the war. From 1971-1978 he served as personal secretary to Archbishop Francesco Fasola and then to Archbishop Ignazio Cannavo. Then he was parish priest at St Clemente in Messina until 1987. In 1988 he was appointed director of the diocesan Caritas, and also became a regional Caritas delegate as well as a national Caritas representative. In the meantime he taught religion, was diocesan assistant of the Italian Sport Centre (CSI) and directed the diocesan Prayer Apostolate, while also fulfilling various duties as rector of the Church and Shrine of St Rita, as spiritual father of the minor seminary, and as a member of the presbytery council. From 1997-2000 he was pro-vicar general of the Archdiocese of Messina-Lipari-Santa Lucia del Mela, and since 1998 has been canon of the prometropolitan cathedral chapter. He was ordained a bishop on 29 April 2000, subsequent to his appointment as titular Bishop of Aurusuliana and Auxiliary of Messina-Lipari-Santa Lucia del Mela. He then served as president of the Caritas Italy from 2003-08. On 23 February 2008, Benedict XVI promoted him to Metropolitan Archbishop of Agrigento, and on 17 May he began his service to the archdiocese. On 24 May 2013 he was appointed president of the episcopal commission for immigration and president of the Migrantes foundation. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 14 February 2015, of the Title of Santi Andrea e Gregorio al Monte Celio (Sts. Andrew and Gregory at Monte Celio).

Mulla, Stephen Ameyu Martin

Titular Church: Santi Gemma Galgani

Native Country: Sudan

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2023-09-30

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Juba, South Sudan

Archbishop Stephen Ameyu Martin Mulla was born in Ido (Eastern Equatoria, Sudan,) on 10 January 1964. He received priestly ordination on 21 April 1991 for the diocese of Torit. After carrying out pastoral work in Khartoum, he pursued a doctorate at the Pontifical Urban University from 1993 to 1997, obtaining a doctorate in dogmatic theology. The title of his thesis was Toward Religious Dialogue and Reconciliation in Sudan. He then taught at the seminary of Juba, South Sudan , eventually becoming its rector. Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Torit on 3 January 2019, a diocese which had remained vacant for 5 years after the death of Bishop Mutek in 2013. On 12 December 2019, Pope Francis appointed him archbishop of Juba and he was installed on 22 March 2020. He remained Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Torit. He was Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Wau from 21 September 2020 to 24 January 2021.

Müller, Gerhard Ludwig

Titular Church: Sant'Agnese in Agone

Native Country: Germany

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Gerhard Ludwig Müller was born in Mainz-Finthen, the Federal Republic of Germany on 31 December 1947. He studied philosophy and theology in Mainz, Munich and Freiburg im Breisgau and earned his doctorate in 1977. He was ordained a priest on 11 February 1978 and began serving as chaplain in several parishes and as a religious education teacher at secondary schools. He qualified as professor in 1985 under Prof. Lehmann. In 1986 he was appointed professor of Catholic dogmatics at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, where he taught until 2002. He has been active in the spread and preservation of the Catholic faith as a member of the Commission for Doctrine and Faith of the German Bishops' Conference since 1990, and became a member of the International Theological Commission in 1998. He has served on the Vatican's Synod of European Bishops and International Bishops' Synod in Rome. His research work focuses on ecumenism, modern age theology, theological hermeneutics and ecclesiology. On 24 November 2002 he was ordained a bishop, subsequent to his appointment as Bishop of Regensburg. He played a key role in preparations for Pope Benedict's visit to Regensburg in 2006. He has served as president of the Commission for Ecumenical Relations of the German Bishops' Conference and resumed theological discussions between the German Bishops' Conference and the Moscow Patriarchate. In 2005 he carried out a reform of the diocesan lay apostolates from both a canon law and a pastoral perspective. Then in December 2008 he was appointed as Catholic head to the International Lutheran/Roman Catholic Commission on Unity for the fourth dialogue phase. He also founded the Pope Benedict XVI Institute. Benedict XVI appointed him Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, of the Biblical Commission and of the International Theological Commission, elevating him at the same time to the dignity of archbishop. He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 22 February 2014, of the Deaconry of Sant’Agnese in Agone.

Nichols, Vincent Gerard

Titular Church: Santissimo Redentore e Sant'Alfonso in via Merulana

Native Country: England

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Westminster, Great Britain

Vincent Gerard Nichols was born in Crosby, England, on 8 November 1945. He began studying at the Venerable English College in 1963 and was ordained a priest on on 21 November 1969. He then returned to England where he earned a master's in theology on St John Fisher. He began working in parish ministry; however, for six months he went to study at Loyola University in Chicago. In 1984 he was appointed general secretary of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales and served for eight years in this position. On 24 January 1992 he was ordained a bishop, subsequent to his appointment as titular Bishop of Othona and Auxiliary of Westminster. In 1998 he was appointed as Chairman of the Bishops' Conference Department for Catholic Education and Formation, and also Chairman of the Catholic Education Service. Upon the death of Cardinal Basil Hume in 1999 he became administrator of Westminster. He was appointed as Archbishop of Birmingham on 15 February 200o. Then in 2009 he was appointed Archbishop of Westminster and later that year as president of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. As Archbishop of Westminster he welcomed Benedict XVI on his state visit in 2010. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 22 February 2014, of the Title of Santissimo Redentore e Sant’Alfonso in via Merulana (St. Alphonsus Liguori in via Merulana).

Nycz, Kazimierz

Titular Church: Sts. Sylvester and Mariano ai Monti

Native Country: Poland

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2010-11-20

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Warsaw

Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz was born, 1 February 1950, in Stara Wies, Poland, near Auschwitz. He was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Krakow on 20 May 1973. He completed his doctorate at the Catholic University of Lublin and began working in the archdiocesan office for religious education. On 14 May 1988, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Krakow and Titular Bishop of Villa Regis. He was ordained Bishop on 4 June 1988. On 9 June 2004, he was appointed Bishop of Koszalin-Kołobrzeg, and on 3 March 2007, Archbishop of Warsaw, where he was installed on 1 April 2007. On 9 June 2007, he was appointed Bishop of Poland for the Faithful of Eastern Rites. He reported to Vatican Radio that the Polish Church’s biggest task was to purify itself of the past (Communist regime) and to devote its energies to preaching the Gospel and helping the poor. He was elevated to Cardinal on 20 November 2010. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Benedict XVI in the consistory of 20 November 2010, of the Deaconry of Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti (Saints Sylvester and Martin ai Monti).

Nzapalainga, CSSp., Dieudonné

Titular Church: Sant’Andrea della Valle

Native Country: Central African Republic

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Bangui, Central African Republic

Cardinal Nzapalainga, born 14 March 1967 in Mbomou, Central African Republic, after completing his studies, entered the Congregation of the Holy Ghost Fathers (Spiritans)and was ordained priest 9 August 1998. He obtained a licence in theology at the Centre Sèvres of the Jesuit Fathers in France. Returning to Central Africa, he was appointed regional superior of the Spiritan Fathers, and 2008-2009 served as president of the Conference of Major Superiors of Central Africa. In 2009, he began serving as Apostolic Administrator of Bangui, and on 14 May 2012, he was appointed Archbishop of Bangui, receiving episcopal ordination 22 July. Since July 2013, he has served as president of the Bishops' Conference of the Central African Republic. In November 2015, he welcomed Pope Francis' Apostolic Visit, during which the Holy Father opened the first Holy Door of Mercy in Bangui. He is the youngest and Central Africa's first cardinal. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 19 November 2016, with the Title of Sant’Andrea della Valle.

Okpaleke, Peter Ebere

Titular Church:

Native Country: Nigeria

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Ekwulobia, Nigeria

Bishop Peter Ebere Okpaleke was born on 1 March 1963, in Amesi, Aguata Local Government Area, Anambra State. After attending local schools, he entered the Bigard Memorial Major Seminary, in Ikot-Ekpene and Enugu, in 1983, where he studied philosophy and theology (1983-1992).

He was ordained a priest on 22 August 1992 and incardinated in the diocese of Awka.

After ordination, he held the following positions: 1992 - 1995: assistant secretary to the bishop and procurator of the bishop’s residence; 1993 - 1995: member, Aguata Local Goverment Education; 1995 - 1997: higher studies at CIWA, Port Harcourt; 1997 - 1999: chaplain at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, and financial administrator of the diocese; 1999 - 2002: higher studies in canon law in Rome, at the University of the Holy Cross; 2002-2011: chancellor of the diocese of Awka, secretary of the diocesan Pastoral Council, secretary of the Presbyteral Council and College of Deans, diocesan examiner; since 1995: member of the Canon Law Society of Nigeria; since 2002: member of the College of Consultors; since 2005: member of the Committee for the Creation of Dioceses; since 2007: judge at the Inter-Diocesan Court of Onitsha; since 2011; and parish priest of the Saints John and Paul parish, Umubele, Awka. On 7 December 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him bishop of Ahiara.

On 5 March 2020, the Holy Father Francis appointed him the first bishop of the Diocese of Ekwulobia.

Omella Omella, Juan José

Titular Church: Santa Croce in Gerusalemme

Native Country: Spain

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2017-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain

Cardinal Omella was born in Cretas, Spain, on 21 April 1946. After completing studies in philosophy and theology at the Seminary in Zaragoza and at the formation centre of the White Fathers, first in Leuven and then in Jerusalem, he was ordained a priest on 20 September 1970. He served as coadjutor priest and parish priest (1990-1996) and as episcopal vicar of the Diocese of Zaragoza. He was a missionary in Zaire for one year and served on the Episcopal Commission for Social Pastoral Care (1996), on the Apostolate for the Laity (1999-2002/2008-2011) and as president (2002-2008/2014-2017). He was appointed titular Bishop of Sasabe following his appointment as Auxiliary Bishop of Zaragoza on 15 July 1996, and appointed Bishop of Barbastro-Monzón on 27 October 1999. He served as apostolic administrator of Huesca and of Jaca (2001-2003). On 8 April 2004 he was appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Calahorra y La Calzada-Logroño. On 6 November 2014, he was appointed a member of the Congregation for Bishops. He was installed as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Barcelona on 26 December 2015. He as served as a member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Episcopal Commission since 14 March 2017. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 28 June 2017, of the Title of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme.

Osoro Sierra, Carlos

Titular Church: Santa Maria in Trastevere

Native Country: Spain

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Madrid, Spain

Card. Osoro Sierra was born 16 May 1945, in Castañeda, Spain. He entered the Colegio Mayor El Salvador for late vocations in Salamanca. He holds licenses in philosophy and in theology. He was ordained priest 29 July 1973.He worked in youth ministry, and as professor at the Escuela Universitaria de Formación Profesorado 'Sagrados Corazones' (1973-1975). He served as secretary general for the apostolate of the diocese, episcopal delegate for vocations and seminarians and for the apostolate of the laity, and vicar for Pastoral Ministry (1975-1996); rector of the diocesan seminary (1977-1996); president of the Cathedral Chapter (1994-1996); director of the Centro Asociado Instituto Internacional de Teologia a Distancia and director of the Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas San Augustín (1996). On 27 December 1996, John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Orense and received episcopal ordination on the following 22 February. On 7 January he was appointed Archbishop of Oviedo. On 8 January 2009 Benedict XVI appointed him Archbishop of Valencia, and on 28 August 2014 he was appointed Archbishop of Madrid by Pope Francis. He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 19 November 2016, titular church of Santa Maria in Trastevere. 

Ouédraogo, Philippe Nakellentuba

Titular Church: Santa Maria Consolatrice al Tiburtino

Native Country: Burkina Faso

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Philippe Nakellentuba Ouédraogo was born in Konéan, Burkina Faso on 25 January 1945. He was born into a mostly Muslim family in one of the poorest areas of the world. He was ordained a priest on 14 July 1973 and began serving in pastoral ministry. He was then transferred to Rome where he earned a doctorate in canon law. On returning to Burkina Faso he served in a parish and in the regional ecclesiastical tribunal. In 1987 he began serving as director of the Pontifical Missionary Societies; then head of the Foundation of the Minor Seminary St Cyprien, and subsequently vice-rector and then rector. He was ordained a bishop on 25 November 1996, subsequent to his appointment as the fourth Bishop of Ouahigouya — a northern region of the country which is mostly Muslim. As bishop he has dedicated the majority of his time to realizing the goals of the Special Synod for Africa. He was elected president of the Commission for the Pontifical Missionary Societies within the episcopal conference. In 2003 he was appointed consultor to the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and in 2007 president of the Episcopal Conference of Burkina Faso and Niger. On 13 May 2009 he was appointed as Archbishop of Ouagadougou. He has also dedicated himself to dialogue with Islam. He participated in Tabaski, one of the most important celebrations for Muslims which recalls Abraham's sacrifice. He is the second cardinal from Burkina Faso. He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 22 February 2014, with the Title of Santa Maria Consolatrice al Tiburtino (St. Mary of Consolation in Tiburtino).

Parolin, Pietro

Titular Church: Unassigned, but equal to the Title of a Suburbicarian See.

Native Country: Italy

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Secretary of State

Pietro Parolin was born in Schiavon, Italy, on 17 January 1955. At the age of 14 he entered the seminary of Vicenza. He was ordained a priest on 27 April 1980. In 1983 he entered the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy and entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See on 1 July 1986, subsequently serving in Nigeria and Mexico. In 1986 he also obtained a degree in canon law at the Gregorian with a thesis on the Synod of Bishops. On 30 November 2002 John Paul II appointed him Undersecretary of the Section of the Secretariat of State for Relations with States, an office he held for nearly seven years. Expert in matters concerning the Middle East, he has worked specifically to build up and reinforce relations between the Holy See and Vietnam. He also contributed to reopening dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians. In December 2008 he led the delegation that took part in the work of the Permanent Bilateral Commission between the Holy See and the State of Israel. On 17 August 2009 he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela and was elevated to Archbishop with the titular episcopal see of Acquapendente. He received his episcopal ordination on 12 September 2009. On 31 August 2013 Pope Francis appointed him Secretary of State and he entered into office on 15 October. He is currently a member of the Congregation for Bishops and of the Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 22 February 2014, he was given the Title of Santi Simone e Giuda Taddeo a Torre Angela (Sts. Simon and Jude Thaddeus at Torre Angela). On June 26th, 2018, with Rescriptum ex Audentia Ss.mi, the Holy Father Francis decided to co-opt Cardinal Pietro Parolin in the Order of Bishops, equating him in all respects to the Cardinals who were given the Title of a suburbicarian Church.

Patabendige Don, Albert Malcolm Ranjith

Titular Church: St. Lawrence in Lucina

Native Country: Sri Lanka

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2010-11-20

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Colombo

Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don was born, 15 November 1947, in Polgahawela, Sri Lanka. He was ordained to the priesthood on 29 June 1975, and completed his theological studies at Rome’s Pontifical Urbanian University and did postgraduate studies at the Pontifical Biblical Institute. On 17 June 1991, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka and Titular Bishop of Cabarsussi. He was ordained Bishop on 31 August 1991. On 2 November 1995, he was appointed Bishop of Ratnapura, Sri Lanka, from which post he resigned on 1 October 2001, on being appointed head of the pontifical missionary societies under the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. On 29 April 2004, he was made Titular Archbishop of Umbriatico and appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Indonesia and East Timor. He was appointed Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on 10 December 2005. During his time as Secretary, he was known for his strong defense of tradition in the Catholic Mass. On 16 June 2009, he was appointed Archbishop of Colombo, being installed on 5 August 2009. He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Benedict XVI in the Consistory of 20 November 2010, of the Title of San Lorenzo in Lucina (Saint Lawrence in Lucina).

Petrocchi, Giuseppe

Titular Church: San Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini

Native Country: Italy

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2018-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of L'Aquila, Italy

Cardinal Petrocchi was born 19 August 1948 in Venagrande in the diocese of Ascoli Piceno, Italy. He entered the Episcoal Seminary of Ascoli Piceno in 1965. In 1967 he was sent to study at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary. He graduated in philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Lateran University, where he obtained a bachelor's degree in philosophy and a licentiate in dogmatic theology. He obtained two degrees at Italian State Universities: the first in philosophy in Macerata and the second in psychology from the Sapienza in Rome. He was ordained priest on 14 September 1973 in the Diocese of Ascoli Piceno, where he was incardinated. Since his ordination he has held the following offices: vicar of the parish of Saints Peter and Paul until 1981, head of the diocesan youth and vocational ministry; professor of religion at the Orsini Scientific Lyceum in Ascoli Piceno; professor of philosophy, pedagogy and psychology at the Trebbiani Magistral Institute of Ascoli Piceno and later at the Stabili Pedagogic High School; parish priest of Cerreto di Venarotta; parish priest in Trisungo; senor editor of the diocesan Bulletin; psychologist at the the Diocesan Family Counseling Centre and teacher at the diocesan School of theology. From 1973 to 1998 he worked in the diocese's youth and family ministry. On 27 June 1998 he was appointed to the episcopal See of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, receiving episcopal ordination on 20 September. On 8 June 2013 he was appointed Archbishop of L'Aquila. He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 28 June 2018, with the Title of San Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini.

Poli, Mario Aurelio

Titular Church: San Roberto Bellarmino

Native Country: Argentina

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mario Aurelio Poli was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 29 November 1947. His father was from Tuscany, Italy and his mother was Argentine. He entered the University of Buenos Aires and studied law and social sciences. After earning his degree he entered the seminary. On 25 November 1978 he was ordained a priest and began serving in parish ministry. He then served as superior, treasurer and director of studies at the Major Seminary of Buenos Aires. From 1988-1991 he served as chaplain of the Missionary Sister Servants of the Holy Spirit, and from 1988 to 1992 as ecclesiastical assistant of the lay association Fraternidades y Agrupaciones Santo Tomás de Aquino. In 1992 he was appointed director of the Vocational Propedeutic Institute San José, in San Isidro, where seminarians of the archdiocese spend the first year of their studies and spiritual formation. Since 1980 he has been a professor of Church history and patrology at the Catholic University of Argentina and a member of its academic council. In 1997 he earned a doctorate in theology. On 20 April 2002 he was ordained a bishop, subsequent to his appointment as titular Bishop of Abidda and Auxiliary of Buenos Aires. As Auxiliary he began working in Flores, the same part of the vicariate that was entrusted to Archbishop Bergoglio. On 24 June 2008 Benedict XVI transferred him to the Diocese of Santa Rosa. Then on 28 March 2013 Pope Francis appointed him to the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. At this time he also served as grand chancellor of the Catholic University of Argentina and national chaplain of the pastoral commission for the scouts. He succeeded Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Archbishop of Buenos Aires. This in fact was Pope Francis' first episcopal appointment. He is the first archbishop of Buenos Aires in nearly too years to be appointed from among the archdiocesan clergy. On 4 May 2013 Pope Francis appointed him Ordinary for the Catholic faithful of the Eastern Rite resident in Argentina. He is also a member of the Congregation for Eastern Churches. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 22 February 2014, he has the Title of San Roberto Bellarmino.

Poola, Anthony

Titular Church:

Native Country: India

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Hyderabad, India

Archbishop Anthony Poola was born on 15 November 1961 in Poluru, in the diocese of Kurnool. After attending the minor seminary in Nuzvid, he studied at Saint Peter’s Pontifical Seminary in Bangalore.

He received priestly ordination on 20 February 1992 and was incardinated in the diocese of Cuddapah.

After his priestly ordination, he held the following positions: 1992-1993: parish vicar in Saint Mary’s Cathedral; 1993-1994: parish vicar in Amagampalli; 1994-2001: and parish priest in various parishes: 1994-1995 in Tekurpet; 1995-2000 in Badvel; 2000-2001 in Veerapalli; 2001-2003. He studied for a master's degree in pastoral care and attended a course in theology at Loyola University, Chicago, in the United States of America, where he provided pastoral service at Saint Genevieve Church, in the archdiocese of Chicago.

From 2004 to 2008 he was director of the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging.

He also served as diocesan consultor, secretary for education, and deputy administrator of the schools of the diocese of Cuddapah and coordinator of the Sponsorship Program.

On 8 February 2008 he was appointed bishop of Kurnool

On 19 November 2020, the Holy Father Francis appointed him metropolitan archbishop of Hyderabad, India.

Prevost, Robert

Titular Church: Santa Monica

Native Country: USA

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 30 September 2023

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops

Archbishop Robert Francis Prevost, 67, was born in Chicago, Illinois, U.S., on 14 September 1955. He entered the novitiate of the Order of Saint Augustine (OSA) in 1977, in the province of Our Lady of Good Counsel in St. Louis, and made his solemn vows on 29 August 1981. He studied at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, graduating with a degree in Theology. In 1988 he was sent to the mission of Trujillo as director of the common formation project for Augustinian aspirants from the Vicariates of Chulucanas, Iquitos, and Apurímac. There he served as community prior (1988-1992), formation director (1988-1998), and teacher of the professed (1992-1998). In the Archdiocese of Trujillo, he was judicial vicar (1989-1998), and professor of Canon Law, Patristics, and Morals in the San Carlos e San Marcelo Major Seminary. In 1999 he was elected prior provincial of the “Mother of Good Counsel" Province. After two and a half years, the Ordinary General Chapter elected him prior general, a ministry the Order entrusted to him again at the 2007 Ordinary General Chapter. On 3 November 2014, Pope Francis appointed him Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Chiclayo and on 7 November he was installed in the diocese. He was ordained Bishop of Chiclayo on 12 December 2014. On 15 April 2020, Pope Francis appointed him Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Callao. And in 2023. Pope Francis appointed him a Prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops.

Puljic, Vinko

Titular Church: S. Chiara a Vigna Clara

Native Country: Bosnia

Appointed By: John Paul II

Appointed On: 1994-11-26

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Vrhbosna

Cardinal Vinko Puljic was born on September 8, 1945, in Prijecani, Bosnia-Herzegovina. He was ordained a priest on June 29, 1970. From 1978 until 1987, he served as the spiritual director at the minor seminary of Zadar. He also was a parish priest. In 1990, he was appointed vice-rector of the Sarajevo major seminary. He was ordained archbishop of Vrhbosna (Sarajevo) on January 6, 1991, in Rome. He was created a cardinal on November 26, 1994. His titular church is St. Clare in Vigna Clara. He continues to serve as Archbishop of Vrhbosna. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by St. John Paul II in the consistory of 26 November 1994, of the Title of S. Chiara a Vigna Clara (St. Clare in Vigna Clara). Since 29 January 2022 he is Archbishop emeritus of Vrhbosna, Sarajevo (Bosnia-Ercegovina). Upon reaching 80 years of age in September 2025, he will cease to be an elector.

Ramazzini Imeri, Alvaro Leonel

Titular Church: San Giovanni Evangelista a Spinaceto

Native Country: Guatemala

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2019-10-05

Ecclesiastical Office: Bishop of Huehuetenango

Cardinal Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini Imeri, Bishop of Huehuetenango (Guatemala), was born on 16 July 1947 in Guatemala City, the eldest of the four children of Ernesto Ramazzini and Delia Imeri, of Italian origin, who had emigrated from Lombardy. He studied philosophy and theology in the Salesian Theological Institute, and concluded his formation for the priesthood in Mexico, in the diocesan seminary of Mérida, in the Yucatán. He was ordained a priest on 27 June 1971 and was immediately assigned to take care of the Seminario Mayor Nacional de La Asunción. In that period, precisely between 1976 and 1980, he studied canon law at the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he was awarded a doctorate.

Upon returning to Guatemala, he was first formator and then professor of theology and then, from 1983 to 1986, rector of the Seminario Mayor Nacional de La Asunción. He also taught theology and canon law at the Salesian Theological Institute, accompanying these services with pastoral care in the parishes. On 15 December 1988, John Paul II appointed him as bishop of San Marcos. In the diocese he founded the pastoral care of the land, recognizing the value of agricultural resources and the dignity of rural workers, and the House of the migrant, for the protection of unaccompanied minors in particular. In 1990 he became secretary general of the Guatemalan Episcopal Conference (CEG); he was elected president in 2006. Within the CEG, he has assumed a prominent role in promoting peace during the civil war that afflicted the country between 1960 to 1996. From 2000 to 2006 he chaired the Servicio internacional cristiano de solidaridad con los pueblos de América latina “Óscar Romero” (Sicsal) and from 2001 to 2005 the Episcopal Secretariat of Central America (Sedac). He has made a significant contribution in the Latin American Episcopal Council (Celam): he took part in the general conferences of 1992 in Santo Domingo and in 2007 in Aparecida; and between 1991 and 1995 he was head of the section for ecumenism and interreligious dialogue.

In 2011 he received the “Pacem in terris” prize – awarded “to honour a person who is distinguished in peace and justice, not only in his own country but in the world” – and on 14 May 2012 he was transferred by Benedict XVI to the residential see of Huehuetenango, which has almost a million faithful, on the border with the Mexican state of Chiapas. He was created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 5 October 2019, with the Title of San Giovanni Evangelista a Spinaceto.

Ribat, John, MSC

Titular Church: San Giovanni Battista de’ Rossi

Native Country: Papua New Guinea

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Moresby, Papua New Guinea

John Ribat was born 9 February 1957 in Volavolo, Papua New Guinea. He was professed as a member of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, February 1979 and ordained a priest on 1 December 1985. While working as a parish priest, he continued his studies in Manila. He served as master of novices for the missionaries in Suva, Figi. On 30 October 2000, Pope John Paul II appointed him Auxiliary Bishop of Bereina, Papua New Guinea, and Titular Bishop of Macriana Minor. He was ordained Bishop on 11 February 2001. On 12 February 2002, he was appointed Bishop of Bereina, Papua New Guinea. On 16 April 2007, he was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Moresby, Papua New Guinea and succeeded as Archbishop of that see on 26 March 2008. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 19 November 2016, with the titular church of San Giovanni Battista de' Rossi, he is Papua New Guinea's first cardinal. He is currently a member of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.

Ricard, Jean-Pierre

Titular Church: St. Augustine

Native Country: France

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2006-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop Emeritus of Bordeaux

Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard was born on 26 September 1944 in Marseille, France. He was ordained a priest on 5 October 1968. On 17 April 1993 he was appointed titular Bishop of Pulcheriopolis and Auxiliary of Grenoble. On 4 July 1996 he was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Montpellier, and on 6 September of that year he was made Bishop of the Diocese. In 1999 he went to Peru to visit the fidei donum priest of Montpellier, Fr. André Bésinet. In 2000 he went to Lebanon to meet with political and religious leaders. On 6 November 2001 he was elected President of the Bishops' Conference of France, and on 21 December 2001 he was appointed Archbishop of Bordeaux. Cardinal Ricard has worked hard to further relations with Jews and to revive bonds between the Church in France and in Africa, setting up an "African sector" and a "European sector" within the Presidency of the Bishops' Conference. In 2003 he published a book called Sept défis pour l'Eglise (Seven Challenges for the Church). On 24 March 2006 he was elevated to Cardinal and appointed Cardinal Priest of S. Agostino. 

Robles Ortega, Francisco

Titular Church: S. Maria della Presentazione

Native Country: Mexico

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2007-11-24

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Guadalajara

Francisco Robles Ortega was born 2 March 1949 in Mascota, Mexico. He was ordained a priest of Autlán, Jalisco, Mexico, on 20 July 1976. On 30 April 1991, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Toluca, Mexico, and Titular Bishop of Bossa. He was ordained Bishop on 5 June 1991. On 15 June 1996, he was appointed Bishop of Toluca, Mexico, and installed on 15 July 1996. Participated in the Special Assembly for America of the World Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, 16 November to 12 December 1997. He was appointed Archbishop of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, on 25 January 2003, and installed on 28 April 2003. He was elevated to Cardinal, with the title of S. Maria della Presentazione, on 24 November 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI, who later appointed him Archbishop of Guadalajara, Mexico, on 7 December 2011. While in this office, he has also served as Apostolic Administrator of Colima, Mexico, between December 2021 and July 2023.

Roche, Arthur

Titular Church:

Native Country: Great Britain

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Archbishop Arthur Roche was born in Batley Carr, in the diocese of Leeds, on 6 March 1950. He was educated at Christleton Lodge in Chester and then at the English College in Valladolid, Spain. He was ordained a priest on 19 July 1975 for the diocese of Leeds.

After three years of ministry as parish vicar in Barnsley, he became secretary to Bishop Gordon Wheeler of Leeds. At the same time, he served as chaplain of the Saint John Bosco School in Leeds and vice chancellor of the diocese. He coordinated the visit of the Holy Father John Paul II to York in 1982. For six years he worked as parish vicar of the cathedral and then became parish priest of Saint Wilfrid’s parish in Leeds.

In 1991 he was sent to Rome to continue his studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University, where he was awarded a licentiate in Spiritual Theology. For four years he served as spiritual director at the Venerable English College in Rome. From 1996 until his episcopal appointment, he was secretary general of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

Elected titular bishop of Rusticiana and auxiliary of Westminster on 12 April 2001, he received episcopal consecration on the following 10 May. He was also chairman of the Westminster Department of Pastoral Affairs. On 16 July 2002 Pope John Paul II appointed him coadjutor bishop of Leeds, England, succeeding as bishop of Leeds on 7 April 2004.

On 26 June 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him as secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, elevating him at the same time to the dignity of Archbishop. On 27 May 2021 Pope Francis appointed him Prefect of this same congregation, now titled the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, elevating him to Cardinal on 27 August 2022, with the title Cardinal Deacon of San Saba.

Rossi, Ángel Sixto

Titular Church: Santa Bernadette Soubirous

Native Country: Argentina

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2023-09-30

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Córdoba, Argentina

Archbishop Ángel Sixto Rossi, S.J., was born on 11 August 1958 in Córdoba. In 1976 he was admitted to the novitiate of the then Argentine province of the Society of Jesus. After his studies in philosophy and theology in Ecuador, on 12 December 1986 he received priestly ordination and on 9 May 1994 he gave his solemn vows. He graduated in spiritual theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He has held the following offices: rector of the church of El Salvador (1990-92), founder of the Hogar San José reception centre and the Fundación Manos Abiertas (1992). From 1992-1995, he served as master of novices and superior of the community in Córdoba. He has published numerous texts and essays of a spiritual and pastoral nature and has offered the 30 days of Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for many years. Within the Argentine-Uruguayan Jesuit province he has served as provincial counsellor, coordinator of the itinerant missionary team, and spiritual assistant of the Fundación Manos Abiertas. On 6 November 2021, Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of Córdoba, Argentina, elevating him to Cardinal-Priest of Santa Bernadette Soubirous on 22 September 2023.

Rueda Aparicio, Luis José

Titular Church: San Luca a Via Prenestina

Native Country: Colombia

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2023-30-09

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Bogotá, Colombia

Archbishop Luis José Rueda Aparicio was born in San Gil, Santander, diocese of Socorro y San Gil, on 3 March 1962. He carried out his studies in philosophy in the major seminary of San Carlos of San Gil and in theology in the major seminary of Bucaramanga. He was ordained a priest on 23 November 1989. He obtained a licentiate in moral theology at the Alphonsianum Academy of Rome. He served as parish priest in various parishes, professor of the major seminary, deputy director of the diocesan secretariat for the pastoral care of charity, rector of the diocesan institute for rural development, and diocesan vicar for pastoral ministry. On 2 February 2012 he was appointed as bishop of Montelíbano and received episcopal ordination the following 14 April. On 19 May 2018, he was appointed as metropolitan archbishop of Popayán, being intalled on 7 July. On 25 April 2020, Pope Francis appointed him the metropolitan archbishop of Bogotá and on 11 June the same year, he was installed. From 13 May 2021 to 25 June 2022, he was the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocesi di Soacha (Cundinamarca). On 6 July 2021, he was elected President of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia for a three-year term. Pope Francis elevated him on 30 September 2023 to cardinal, with the title of Cardinal-Priest of San Luca a Via Prenestina.

Rugambwa, Protase

Titular Church: Santa Maria in Montesanto

Native Country: Tanzania

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2024-02-24

Ecclesiastical Office: Coadjutor Archbishop of Tabora, Tanzania

Archbishop Protase Rugambwa was born on 31 May 1960 in Bunena, Tanzania, and was ordained a priest by Saint John Paul II on 2 September 1990 for the diocese of Rulenge-Ngara. In 1998 he was awarded a doctorate in pastoral theology from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. He was Vicar General of the diocese of Rulenge-Ngara from 2000 to 2002. From 2002 to 2008 he served as an official of the former Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. On 18 January 2008 he was appointed bishop of the diocese of Kigoma, Tanzania. Later, on 26 June 2012, he was appointed adjunct secretary of the same Dicastery and president of the Pontifical Mission Societies, with the personal title of archbishop. On 9 November 2017 he was appointed secretary of the same Congregation. On 13 April 2023, Pope Francis appointed him Coadjutor Archbishop of Tabora (Tanzania). The Pope created him a cardinal on 24 February 2024, with the title of Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Montesanto. 

Ryś, Grzegorz

Titular Church: Ss. Cirillo e Metodio

Native Country: Poland

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2023-09-30

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Łódź, Poland

Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś was born on 9 February 1964 in Krakow. In 1982–1988, he studied at the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of History of the Church of the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Krakow, as well as at the Major Seminary of the Archdiocese of Krakow. He was ordained a priest on 22 May 1988 in the Cathedral of Wawel. From 1988 to 1989, Ryś worked as a vicar in the parish of Saints Margaret and Catherine in Kęty. From 2004 to 2007, he was the director of the Archives of the Metropolitan Chapter in Krakow. From 2007 to 2011, he was the rector of the Major Seminary of the Archdiocese of Krakow. In the years 2010 and 2011, he also served as chairman of the Conference of Rectors of the Theological Seminary in Poland. On 16 July 2011, he was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Kraków and was ordained on 28 September. On 14 September 2017 Pope Francis appointed him archbishop of Łódź, and installed on 4 November 2017. He was created a cardinal on 30 September 2023 with the title Cardinal-Priest of Santi Cirillo e Metodio.

Ryłko, Stanisław

Titular Church: S. Cuore di Cristo Re

Native Country: Poland

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2007-11-24

Ecclesiastical Office: President, Pontifical Council for the Laity

Stanisław Ryłko was born 4 July 1945 in Andrychów, Poland. He was ordained a priest 30 March 1969, to serve in Kraków, Poland. On 20 December 1995, he was appointed Titular Archbishop of Novica, in conjunction with his appointment on the same day as Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. On 6 January 1996, he was ordained Bishop for his Titular Archbishopric. He was appointed President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity on 4 October 2003. He ceased to be President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity on the the death of Pope John Paul II, 2 April 2005, and was confirmed as President on 21 April 2005. Created and proclaimed a cardinal by Benedict XVI on 24 November 2007, he was given the title of the Deaconry of Sacro Cuore di Cristo Re (Sacred Heart of Christ the King). Pope Francis appointed him Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St. Mary Major on 28 December 28, 2016. On 19 May 2018 the Pope elevated the Diaconia of Sacro Cuore di Cristo Re pro hac vice to a Presbyteral title, and Cardinal Ryłko to Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Cristo Re.

Sako, His Beatitude Louis Raphaël I

Titular Church: Baghdad for the Chaldeans

Native Country: Iraq

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2018-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Patriarch of Babylon and Archbishop of Baghdad for the Chaldeans

His Beatitude Louis Raphaël Cardinal Sako was born 4 July 1948, in Zakho, Iraq. After completing his primary studies in Mosul, he attended the local Saint Jean's Seminary under the direction of the Dominican Fathers. He was ordained a priest on 1 June 1974, serving in parish ministry at the Cathedral of Mosul until 1979. He was sent to Rome and obtained a doctorate in Eastern Patrology in 1983. He later obtained a doctorate in history from the Sorbonne in Paris and a license in Islamic jurisprudence from the Pontifical Institute for Arab and Islamic Studies, Rome. From 1997 to 2002, he served as rector of the Patriarchal Seminary in Baghdad. He then served in the parish of Perpetual Help, Mosul, until his election by the Synod of Bishops of the Chaldean Catholic Church as Archbishop of Kerkük for the Chaldean Catholic Church, 24 October 2002, to which Pope John Paul II granted assent on 27 September 2003. He was ordained a bishop on 14 November 2003.

On 31 January 2013, after the resignation of the Patriarch His Beatitude Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, Archbishop Sako was elected Patriarch by the Synod, receiving the Ecclesiastica Communio from Pope Benedict XVI on 1 February 2013. He is President of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Iraq and a member of: the Dicastery for the Oriental Churches; for Culture and Education; for Inter-religious Dialogue; and the Council for the Economy. Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 28 June 2018, as a Patriarch he holds title equal to a Cardinal of a suburbicarian see, i.e. a Cardinal-Bishop.

Sarah, Robert

Titular Church: St. John Bosco in Via Tuscolana

Native Country: Guinea

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2010-11-20

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect Emeritus, Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Cardinal Robert Sarah was born 15 June 1945 in Ourous, Guinea. He studied in seminaries in Guinea, France and Senegal. He earned degrees in theology and in Scripture, from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and the Franciscan Biblical Institute in Jerusalem, respectively. He was ordained a priest on 20 July 1969, served as rector of the minor seminary of Kindia and pastor of several parishes. 

On 13 August 1979, he was appointed Bishop of Conakry, Guinea, and was consecrated at only 34 years of age on 8 December 1979. He was appointed Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, 1 October 2001, and President of the Pontifical Council, Cor Unum, 7 October 2010. Pope Benedict XVI elevated him to cardinal on 20 November 2010, with the title Cardinal-Deacon of St. John Bosco in Via Tuscolana. From 2014 to 2021, Cardinal Sarah served as Prefect of the Congregation (now Dicastery) for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, serving as Prefect until he retired on 20 February 2021. On 3 May 2021, Pope Francis elevated his cardinal's title to Cardinal-Priest of St. John Bosco in Via Tuscolana.

Scherer, Odilo Pedro

Titular Church: S. Andrea al Quirinale

Native Country: Brazil

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2007-11-24

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of São Paulo

Odilo Pedro Scherer was born on 21 September 1949 in São Francisco, Brazil. He was ordained a priest on 7 December 1976, to serve in Toledo, Parana, Brazil. Professor of philosophy at the State University Center of Toledo; and director and professor of theology at the Interdiocesan Theological Center of Cascavel. From 1994 to 2001, he was an official of the Congregation for Bishops. 

On 28 November 2001, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of São Paulo, Brazil, and on the same date Titular Bishop of Novi. He was ordained Bishop on 2 February 2002, and installed as Auxiliary Bishop of São Paulo on 9 March 2002. Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Archbishop of São Paulo on 21 March 2007, succeeding Cardinal Hummes, and elevated him to cardinal on 24 November, with the title Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea al Quirinale.

Schönborn, O.P. Christoph

Titular Church: Gesú Divin Lavoratore

Native Country: Austria

Appointed By: John Paul II

Appointed On: 1998-02-21

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Vienna

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, O.P., was born in Skalsko, Bohemia on January 22, 1945, but his family fled to Austria in September of that year. He entered the Dominican Order in 1963, and was ordained a priest in 1970. From 1973 until 1975, he was pastor of students in Graz University. He began as associate professor of dogma in the University of Fribourg in 1976. He became a professor of theology in 1978, and was professor of dogmatic theology from 1981 until 1991. From 1980 until 1987, he was a member of the Orthodox-Roman Catholic Dialogue Commission of Switzerland. In 1980, he became a member of the International Theological Commission. Since 1984, he has been a member of the foundation "Pro Oriente." He was Secretary for the Draft Commission of the Catechism of the Catholic Church from 1987 until 1992. He was ordained auxiliary bishop (Sutri) of Vienna on September 29, 1991, and made archbishop of Vienna on September 14, 1995. He was created a cardinal on February 21, 1998, with the title Cardinal-Priest of Gesú Divin Lavoratore (Jesus the Divine Worker). He is a member of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, and the Dicastery for Evangelization. He continues to serve as Archbishop of Vienna.

Semeraro, Marcello

Titular Church: Santa Maria in Domnica

Native Country: Italy

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2020-11-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints

Marcello Semeraro was born 22 December 1947 in Monteroni di Lecce, Italy. He received his initial priestly formation at the Pontifical Regional Seminary of Apulia “Pius XI” in Molfetta, and completed his studies at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, where he obtained a licentiate and a doctorate in sacred theology. He was ordained a priest on 8 September 1971. 

He taught theology in various institutes and then ecclesiology at the Pontifical Lateran University until he was appointed Bishop of Oria on July 25, 1998. In 2001, he served as Special Secretary of the Tenth General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. On 1 October 2004, he was appointed Bishop of Albano. He served as President of the Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, Proclamation and Catechesis of the Italian Episcopal Conference, and was appointed a member of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on 31 January 2009. On 13 April 2013 he was named secretary of the “Council of Cardinals” to assist the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in governing the universal Church. On 4 November 2013 he was appointed Apostolic Administrator ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of the Territorial Abbey of Santa Maria in Grottafrerrata, Italy, and on 4 April 2016, Papal Delegate for the Italian Basilian Order of Grottaferrata.

On 15 Octoner 2020, Pope Francis appointed him Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, now titled Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints. He elevated him to cardinal, with the title of Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Domnica, on 28 Novermber. He is a member of the Dicastery for Communication, the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, and of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches.

Souraphiel, CM, Berhaneyesus Demerew

Titular Church: San Romano Martire

Native Country: Ethiopia

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel was born in Cheleleqa, Ethiopia on 14 July 1948. In 1963 he entered the Lazarist Minor Seminary and then he studied philosophy at the Makanissa Major Seminary. In 1970 he moved to London where he studied at the Missionary Institute and earned a bachelor of divinity at King's College. 

He was ordained a priest on 4 July 1976 in Ethiopia where he was imprisoned by the Communists from 1979-1980. On release, he moved to Rome, where he served as delegate to the General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission and earned a Master's in socio-economic development at the Pontifical Gregorian University. He returned to Ethiopia and in 1985 began serving as director of the Lazarist Novitiate, as well as serving a parish and lecturing at the St Francis Institute of Philosophy and Theology. 

With the establishment of the Apostolic Prefecture of Jimma-Bonga, Ethiopia on 10 June 1994, he became the first apostolic prefect. He was ordained a bishop on 25 January 1998, following his appointment as titular Bishop of Bita and as Auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Addis Ababa. On 7 July 1999 he was appointed Archbishop of Addis Ababa. Since 1999 he has served as president of the Ethiopian and Eritrean Episcopal Conference, as official representative of the Catholic Church to the Ethiopian Government and international organizations in Ethiopia. In 2014 he was elected chairman of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa. 

He was created a cardinal by Pope Francis on 14 February 2015, with the title Cardinal-Priest of San Romano Martire. He also serves as a member of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches.

Steiner, Leonardo Ulrich, O.F.M.

Titular Church:

Native Country: Brazil

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical office: Archbishop of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

Archbishop Leonardo Ulrich Steiner, O.F.M., was born on 6 November 1950 in Forquilhinha, State of Santa Catarina, in the diocese of Criciúma, Brazil.

He made his religious profession in the Order of Friars Minor on 2 August 1976 and was ordained a priest on 21 January 1978. He studied philosophy and theology with the Franciscans in Petrópolis. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and pedagogy at the Salesian Faculty of Lorraine. He was awarded a licentiate and doctorate in philosophy at the Pontifical Antonianum University in Rome. After his studies and a period as deputy parish priest and parish priest, he served as formator in the seminary until 1986, and master of novices from 1986 to 1995.

From 1995 to 2003, he was professor of philosophy and secretary of the Antonianum. Returning to Brazil in 2003, he served as deputy parish priest of the Bom Jesus parish in the archdiocese of Curitiba, as well as lecturer in the Bom Jesus Faculty of Philosophy.

On 2 February 2005, he was appointed bishop prelate of São Félix and received episcopal ordination on the following 16 April. On 21 September 2011 he was appointed titular bishop of Tisiduo and auxiliary of Brasilia.

From May 2011 to May 2019 he served as secretary general of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil.

On 27 November 2019, the Holy Father Francis appointed him metropolitan archbishop of Manaus, Brazil.

Sturla Berhouet, Daniel Fernando, SDB

Titular Church: Santa Galla

Native Country: Uruguay

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2015-02-14

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Montevideo, Uruguay

Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet was born on 4 July 1959 in Montevideo, Uruguay. Attracted to the charism of St John Bosco, he entered the Salesian novitiate and made his profession on 31 January 1980. He began to study philosophy and education science and then did an internship at Talleres Don Bosco from 1982-1983. From 1984-1987 he finalized his studies in theology. He was ordained a priest on 21 November 1987 and the following year he was appointed counselor for studies at Talleres Don Bosco, a position he held until 1990. In 1991 his superiors chose him as vicar of the novitiate and post-novitiate house. From 1994-1996 he was director of the Salesian Aspirantate and then from 1997-2002 he served as director and novice master. He then worked as director of the pre-university institute of John XXIII from 2003-2008, during which he earned a licence in theology at the Monseñor Mariano Soler Theological Faculty of Uruguay. He has also taught Church history in the Americas and Uruguay, researching and editing publications especially on the relationship between Church and State. In 2008, he was appointed inspector of the Salesian province of Uruguay. He was ordained a bishop on 4 March 2012, subsequent to his appointment as titular Bishop of Phelbes and Auxiliary of Montevideo. He chose “Serve the Lord with joy” as his episcopal motto. He was named Archbishop of Montevideo on 11 February 2014. As Archbishop of the capital of a country which only recently sanctioned the separation of Church and State, the Salesian Cardinal has paid particular attention to the debate of laicity and secularization in light of his formation in history and theology. Cardinal Sturla Berhouet is the second cardinal in the history of Uruguay; the first was Capuchin Antonio Maria Barbieri, whom John XXIII created a cardinal in 1958.

Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Ignatius

Titular Church: Spirito Santo alla Ferratella

Native Country: Indonesia

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2019-10-05

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Jakarta

Card. Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo was born in Java, Indonesia. He was ordained priest on 26 January 1976. After obtaining a license and doctorate from the Pontifical Urban University in Rome in 1979 and 1981, he returned to Indonesia to serve as formator at the Major Seminary in Yogyakarta, a role he held until 1997. During that time he also served as lecturer in catechetics at the local faculty of philosophy, as president of the philosophy and theology department of the Jesuit University of Sanata Dharma and as dean of the faculty of theology. After his appointment as Archbishop of Semarang on 21 April 1997, Msgr Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo received his episcopal ordination on 22 August 1997 and for three years led the Commission for Interreligious Dialogue of the Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia. He later served six years as Secretary General of the Conference. On 2 January 2006, Benedict XVI appointed him Military Ordinary for Indonesia, and that same year he was elected vice-president of the Bishops Conference of Indonesia. On 25 July 2009 he was appointed Coadjutor of Jakarta and on 28 June 2010 he succeeded as Archbishop of Jakarta. He has served as president of the Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia since his election in 2012. He is a member of the Dicasteries for the Evangelization and for Inter-religious Dialogue. L'Osservatore Romano, 11 October 2019, with added updates.

Tagle, Louis Antonio Gokim

Titular Church: San Felice da Cantalice a Centocelle

Native Country: Philippines

Appointed By: Pope Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-11-24

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect, Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples

Cardinal Louis Antonio Gokim Tagle was born on 21 June 1957 in Manila, the Philippines. He received religious instruction at St Andrew's School, Parañaque, then run by the Scheut Missionaries. After leaving school he entered the interdiocesan St Jose Seminary in the capital, run by the Jesuits, and in seminary he studied philosophy at the Athenaeum of Manila University and theology at the Loyola School of Theology. He was ordained to the priesthood on 27 February 1982. For the first three years as a priest he served in parish ministry and as spiritual director of the Diocesan Theological Seminary in Imus of which he was later Rector. He taught philosophy and theology at the Divine Word and San Carlos Seminaries and at the Loyola School of Theology. In 1985 he was sent to the Catholic University of America in Washington. D.C. to study systematic theology. He earned a licence in sacred theology in 1987 and a doctorate with summa cum laude in 1991. On his return to Imus in 1992, he resumed his office as Rector of the Seminary. He was also a member of the College of Consultors and of the Presbyteral Council and Episcopal Vicar for religious. In 1998 he was appointed parish priest of Our Lady of Pilar Cathedral. In the meantime he continued to teach theology. He gave lectures, directed retreats and organized updating seminars for priests, religious and laity in the Philippines and abroad. He also took part in the activities of the Bishops' Conference and of the Federation of Episcopal Conferences of Asia, and became an appreciated speaker. In this period, he joined the editorial committee of the Institute for Religious Sciences of Bologna, involved in drafting the history of the Second Vatican Council. In 1997 he was named a member of the International Theological Commission and in 1998 he took part as an expert in the Special Assembly for Asia of the Synod of Bishops. On 22 October 2001 Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Imus and he was ordained a bishop on 12 December that year. Youth were the focus of his special attention and he gave weekly video broadcasts on the liturgical readings on the internet. On 13 October 2011 Benedict XVI appointed him Archbishop of Manila. He took possession of the Archdiocese on 12 December. In 2015 he became the President of Caritas Internationalis, and in 2019 Cardinal Tagle was named Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. 

Tempesta, Orani João

Titular Church: Santa Maria Madre della Providenza a Monte Verde

Native Country: Brazil

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2014-02-22

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Orani João Tempesta was born in São José do Rio Pardo, Brazil on 23 June 1950. In 1967 he entered the Cistercian monastery of São Bernardo. On 2 February 1969, he made his profession in the Cistercian Order and was ordained a priest on 7 December 1974. He then served as subprior of the monastery of Our Lady of St Bernard and vicar at the parish of São Roque. In 1984 he was elected prior of the monastery and parish of São Roque, while also serving as head of communications and pastoral life for the diocese, and as professor at the diocesan seminary Coração de Maria. In September 1996, when the monastery of São Bernardo was elevated to an abbey, he became its first abbot. He was ordained a bishop on 25 April 1997 subsequent to his appointment as Bishop of São José do Rio Preto. In 2003 he was elected President of the Commission on Culture, Education and Social Communications for the National Bishops' Conference, and as a member of the Bishops' Pastoral Council, Permanent Council and Economic Council. On 13 October 2004 Pope John Paul II appointed him to the Archiepiscopal See of Belém do Pará. Shortly thereafter, the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops elected him to the Fifth General Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Bishops' Conferences, which took place at Aparecida in May 2007. On 27 February 2009 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. He was one of the principal architects of XXVIII World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, the first presided over by Pope Francis. 

Thottunkal, Baselios Cleemis

Titular Church: San Gregorio VII

Native Country: India

Appointed By: Pope Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-11-24

Ecclesiastical Office: Major Archbishop of Trivandrum for Syro-Malankaras

Cardinal Cleemis Thottunkal was born on 15 June 1959 in Mukkoor, Mallapally, India. He entered The Infant Mary Minor Seminary, Tiruvalla, on 10 June 1976. He completed his philosophical and theological studies for the priesthood respectively at St Joseph's Seminary, Alwaye, and at the Pontifical Institute for Philosophy and Religion, Pune. He was ordained a deacon on 22 March 1986 and a priest on the following 11 June. He continued to study theology at Dharmaram College, Bangalore, until 1988 and in 1997 earned a doctorate in ecumenism at the Pontifical. University of St Thomas Aquinas, Rome. In India he was parish priest in the Diocese of Battery for Syro-Malankaras, first at St Thomas' Cathedral, and then of two parishes, Chethalaym and Moonnammile. He also served as secretary of the Presbyteral and Pastoral Councils and as a member of the Eparchial Council. After his appointment as Vice-Rector, then Rector of St Thomas Minor Seminary, he served as Chancellor of Battery from 1997 to 1998 then, from 1998 to 2001, as Vicar General. On 18 June 2001 John Paul II appointed him titular Bishop of Chaialum for Syro-Malankaras and Auxiliary of Trivandrum, as well as Apostolic Visitator for Malankara faithful resident in North America and in Europe. He received episcopal ordination on 15 August 2001. On 23 October 2001 he went to New York as Apostolic Visitator and founded the Mar Ivanios Malankara Catholic Centre there. On 9 September 2003, he returned to India and two days later was appointed Bishop of Tiruvalla for Syro-Malankaras. He took possession of his see on 2 October. On 15 May 2006 Benedict XVI raised the Eparchy of Tiruvalla to the rank of Archeparchy and promoted him to the dignity of Archbishop. On 8 February 2007 the Pope transferred him to the Major Archdiocese of Trivandrum for Syro-Malankaras — of which he took possession the following 5 March — and on 10 February, raised him to the rank of Major Archbishop. As such Archbishop Thottunkal presided at the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Syro-Malankara Church (and headed its commissions for Ecumenism, Dialogue and Youth). He is a permanent member of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches and of the Federation of Bishops' Conferences of Asia. Cardinal Thottunkal is President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India. He is also the first Cardinal of the Syro-Malankara Church.

Tobin, Joseph William, CSSR

Titular Church: Santa Maria delle Grazie a Via Trionfale

Native Country: USA

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Newark, USA

Card. Tobin was born, 3 May 1952, in Detroit, Michigan, USA. He holds a degree in philosophy, a Master's in religious education and a Master of Divinity. He made his solemn profession in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on 21 August 1976 and was ordained a priest on 1 June 1978. He served as assistant pastor (1979-1984), then pastor (1984-1990) of Holy Redeemer Parish in Detroit; episcopal vicar of the Archdiocese of Detroit (1980-1986); pastor of Saint Alphonsus Parish in Chicago (1990-1991). in 1991 he was elected general consultor of the Redemptorist Fathers, and on 9 September 1997 he was made Superior General, being confirmed in the post on 26 September 2003. Also in 2003 he became vice-president of the Union of Superiors General. In addition, he has been a member of the Council for Relations between the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and the International Unions of Superiors and of Superiors General (2001-2009). He was appointed secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on 2 August 2010, and elevated at the same time to the titular see of Obba with the dignity of Archbishop. He received episcopal ordination the following 9 October. On 18 October 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Archbishop of Indianapolis. On 7 November 2016, Pope Francis appointed him Archbishop of Newark.

Tsarahazana, Désiré

Titular Church: San Gregorio Barbarigo alle Tre Fontane

Native Country: Madagascar

Appointed By: Pope Francis

Appointed On: 2018-06-28

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Toamasina, Madagascar

Cardinal Tsarahazana was born 13 June 1954 in Amboangibe, territory of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Antisiranana, Madagascar. In 1970 he entered the minor seminary of Mahajanga for his initial formation, completed in 1976, then the second cycle in 1978. He entered the Major Seminary of Antananarivo where he studied philosophy from 1979 to 1982. He obtained a degree in theological studies at the university of Madagascar's capital, later specializing in theology at the Catholic University of Lyons, France. He was ordained a deacon in Andapa on 15 August 1985, then a priest in his native village on 28 September 1986. He held the offices of vicar at Mananara-Nord, educator and teacher at the Diego-Suarez seminary as well as diocesan correspondent for seminarians and priests of Antananarivo and head of the preparatory course. From 1993 to 1999 he was secretary coordinator for the priests of Antsiranana. He obtained a licentiate in theology from the University of Antananarivo, and then specialized in theology at the Catholic University of Lyons, France. He was appointed as the first Bishop of the new diocese of Fenoarivo Atsinanana on 30 October 2000 and consecrated on 18 February 2001; he was transferred to the Diocese of Toamasina on 24 November 2008 and raised to the dignity of Archbishop of the same See on 26 February 2010.

Turkson, Peter Kodwo Appiah

Titular Church: St. Liborius

Native Country: Ghana

Appointed By: John Paul II

Appointed On: 2003-10-21

Ecclesiastical Office: Chancellor, Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson was born on October 11, 1948, in Ghana. While he was still working on his doctorate degree at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, Pope John Paul II named him archbishop of Cape Coast. Four years after this, he was elected president of the Ghana bishops' conference. On October 21, 2003, he was created a cardinal priest. His titular church is St. Liborius. On 24 October 2009, he was appointed President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. In 2016, Cardinal Turkson was named Prefect of the new Department for the Service of the Integral Human Development; he served in this role until 1 January 2022. On 4 April 2022 he was named by Pope Francis as Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Vergez Alzaga, Fernando, L.C.

Titular Church:

Native Country: Spain

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: President of Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, President of Governorate of Vatican City State

Archbishop Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, L.C., was born in Salamanca, Spain, on 1 March 1945. On 25 December 1965 he gave his religious vows in the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ and was ordained a priest on 26 November 1969.

He obtained a licentiate in philosophy and theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University and a diploma from the Archivist School at the Vatican Secret Archives.

On 1 August 1972, he began his service at the Holy See in the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life; in April 1984, he was transferred to the Pontifical Council for the Laity; in June 2004, he was appointed head of office of the Holy See’s Internet Office; and finally, on 10 January 2008, he was appointed director of the Telecommunications Directorate of Vatican City State.

On 30 August 2013, he was appointed secretary general of the Governorate of Vatican City State, and on 15 October of the same year, he was elevated to the dignity of bishop and assigned the titular episcopal see of Villamagna in Proconsulari.

On 29 September 2020, he was appointed member of the Commission for Confidential Matters.

On 8 September 2021, the Holy Father appointed him president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, at the same time conferring to him the personal title of archbishop.

Woelki, Rainer Maria

Titular Church: San Giovanni Maria Vianney

Native Country: Germany

Appointed By: Benedict XVI

Appointed On: 2012-02-18

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Cologne

Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki was born on 18 August 1956 in Cologne, Germany. He was ordained a priest on 14 June 1985. He holds a doctorate in theology. In 1990 he was appointed secretary of the Archbishop of Cologne and subsequently was the director of the Collegium Albertinum in Bonn for the seminarians studying theology at the University of Bonn. He was ordained a bishop on 30 March 2003, subsequent to his appointment as titular Bishop of Scampa and Auxiliary of Cologne. On 2 July 2011 he was appointed Archbishop of Berlin. Less than a month after being installed as Archbishop he welcomed Benedict XVI on the Pope's third Visit to his homeland. In 2014 Cardinal Woelki became the Archbishop of Cologne. 

You Heung-sik, Lazzaro

Titular Church:

Native Country: Korea (South)

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2022-08-27

Ecclesiastical Office: Prefect of Congregation of the Clergy

Archbishop Lazzaro You Heung sik was born in 1951 and ordained a priest for the diocese of Daejeon, becoming a coadjutor in the same diocese in 2003, and two years later took over its leadership. He headed the Peace Committee of the Korean Bishops’ Conference and visited North Korea four times, keeping the prayer and hope for peace and reconciliation on the Korean peninsula in his heart.

In August 2014, Bishop Lazarus You Heung-sik welcomed the Holy Father Francis to the diocese of Daejeon on the occasion of the Sixth Asian Youth Day.

In October 2018, he participated – at the behest of the Pope - in the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Youth.

Appointed on 11June 2021 by Pope Francis as prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, he was conferred at the same time the title of archbishop-bishop emeritus of Daejeon.

On 11 December 2021, he was chosen as a member of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

Zenari, Mario

Titular Church: Santa Maria delle Grazie alle Fornaci fuori Porta Cavalleggeri

Native Country: Italy

Appointed By: Francis

Appointed On: 2016-11-19

Ecclesiastical Office: Apostolic Nuncio to Syria

Cardinal Mario Zenari, born 5 January 1946 in Rosegaferro di Villafranca, Italy, was ordained priest on 5 July 1970. Entered Holy See's diplomatic service in 1980 and served in Pontifical Representations in Senegal, Liberia, Colombia, Germany and Romania. On 7 February 1994, he was appointed counsellor of the Nunciature. On 12 July 1999, Pope John Paul II appointed him Apostolic Nuncio in Côte d'Ivoire and in Niger, as Archbishop with titular See of Zuglio, and on 24 July appointed him Apostolic Nuncio in Burkina Faso. He received episcopal ordination 25 September 1999. 10 May 2004, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio in Sri Lanka and then Apostolic Nuncio in Syria, by Pope Benedict XVI on 30 December 2008.

Zuppi, Matteo Maria

Titular Church: Sant’Egidio

Native Country: Italy

Appointed by: Francis

Appointed on: 2019-10-05

Ecclesiastical Office: Archbishop of Bologna

Cardinal Zuppi was born on 11 October 1955 in Rome, Italy. He earned a degree in literature and philosophy from Rome’s La Sapienza University before entering the Palestrina diocesan seminary. He earned a degree in theology at the Pontifical Lateran University. He was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Palestrina on 9 May 1981, and was immediately appointed assistant parish priest at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome, serving in this role until becoming its parish priest in 2000. Msgr Zuppi also served as rector of the Church of Santa Croce from 1983 to 2012, as a member of the diocesan presbyteral council from 1995 to 2012, and as as prefect of Rome’s third prefecture from 2005 to 2010. In 2010 he began his pastoral ministry at the parish church of Santi Simone e Giuda Taddeo in one the most populated neighbourhoods in the peripheries of Rome. He was ordained a bishop on 14 April 2012, subsequent to his appointment by Benedict XVI as titular Bishop of Villanova and Auxiliary of Rome. On 27 October 2015 Pope Francis appointed Zuppi to the Metropolitan See of Bologna, where he welcomed the Pontiff on 1 October 2017. In 2022 he was named president of the Italian Bishops' Conference.